This is the latest official advert from the leaders of the Republican party. Really. :
Since you’re asking, why yes, I do feel safer. I feel safer because I believe the new President will actually consider reality before he makes decisions, and I feel safer because I do not think that he will use violence as his favoured method of dealing with the world’s issues. His willingness to talk to people who disagree with him, and to consider their points of view, make for a pleasant change to the insanity of the last four years.
The GOP is stuck in a behavioural loop. It failed to win the election by trying to incite terror of “The Other”, but that seems to be all it knows how to do any more. At the moment, they’re just engaging in self-parody. I’m surprised they didn’t stick a picture of a rabid fanged pig, Megatron, and some Goa’uld in there, just for good measure.
The GOP seems to think that they can bravely make the principled argument for torture, without disgusting the majority of Americans, and Planet Earth. “It’s alright when the US does it, because we’re the greatest country in the world.” is the belief that lies behind so much of the US foreign policy of the last few decades, but it is not an argument that has much traction outside of the US.
Incidentally, this advert has caused a bit of a kerfuffle, due to one of the pictures showing Obama meeting with the Hispanic caucus. Why Obama meeting with the grouping of Hispanic members of congress should be remotely frightening to anyone speaks volumes about how the GOP leadership’s minds work. Of course, they’re now saying that that picture was put in their advert accidentally. Bloody stupid mistake if that’s true.
Excuse me, but no, I don’t feel safer. Just more of the same.
The White House estimated that the national debt would double in ten years. At the same time, they believe the economy will grow by 60% in ten years (According to Mid-Session Review-Budget of the U.S. Government-Fiscal Year 2010). Hell, no one is bringing this up and that’s what’s worrying. The Treasury is already having difficulty paying off our current debt on time and the Chinese want to back down their support of the dollar. It’s gotten so bad that the Federal Reserve is starting to monetize the debt. Obama has never addressed any of this.
Also, troops are leaving Iraq, but 50,000 will stay behind. At the same time, we’re increasing operations in Afghanistan and earlier this year Obama ordered the bombing of the Pakistani border (ironic that he got the Nobel Peace Prize…).
Heck, even those he appointed are nothing but the same. Hillary Clinton went to the Chinese a few months ago to ask them to continue buying US debt. Timothy Geithner, head of the Treasury, went to assure the Chinese their investments were safe under the administration and said he had a “strong dollar policy”, and they laughed at him.
You may feel safe in the UK, but the US is going down the toilet even faster than under Bush…
(Somewhat old post, but I hope you enjoy the company!)
We get our healthcare coverage from my wife’s work through Barnabas system.She contributes $67 every two weeks.We can go to any Doctor or hospital it is covered.Her contribution is going up to $93 every 2 weeks starting next year.We can only go to Doctors affiliated with Barnabas and can only go to Barnabas Hospitals except in an emeT.encygrhe same coverage we have today will cost $135 every two weeks.Almost double of what we are paying today. HEALTH CARE COST IS THE PROBLEM.There is no reason to double our contribution.
Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
antiira que el venezolano recibió a finales de la temporada pasada y comienzos de esta. En el artÃÂculo más reciente que le dediqué a Zambrano, escribàque era a partir de ese momento que se sabrÃÂa si el tratamiento realmente habÃÂa tenido