Star Trek Online to be released February 2010

February 2nd, 2010 will be a date marked in every Trekker’s diary. Cryptic Studio’s Star Trek Online will be unleashed upon the universe. I can’t wait, but I suppose I shall have to!

It was also revealed this week that Cryptic had made the wise decision to change their design regarding modelling the ship bridges. Now we’ll be able to move about our bridge, and invite other players into them. A great boon for roleplayers, and the designers have done themselves a big favour in the long run, as the various bridges will be excellent areas for the plot-centered episodes to utilise.

“We didn’t want to have interiors at launch,” said “Star Trek Online” executive producer Craig Zinkievich. “We thought it was just a little bit too much. We really wanted to make sure we delivered a really deep experience, but your bridge not being in the game, it really felt like a hole in the game, and it was just something that we had to put in.”

Aye, I know, Champions Online was rather bad so I ought not to be getting too excited, but the clack is that after Cryptic lost the Marvel license for the game that became Champions, they kind of lost heart in it, and moved most of the best folks over to STO, as it had much greater potential for success. Star Trek fans can only pray to the Q that, just this once, we’ll get a Star Trek game that doesn’t suck.

In celebration and hope, here is Dark Materia’s utterly awesome Picard Song.


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