Loyalty has its rewards!
The 6 year pack will include a rather natty matching cloak and hat set. Not too keen on the colour scheme (Green is my colour), but it’s still a quite nice appearance only set. If we could choose a colour for it, that would make me even happier. Red + chains makes it look kind of evil.
There is a gadget called “Call of the Veteran” which lets you teleport to a group member from anywhere in the world once per day. Handy indeed.
The pick of the pack, for me, is the Hammer of Adept Hands, a wondrous gadget that will refill your tradeskill vitality once per week. Somehow crafting feels wrong when you don’t have any vitality, so this will mean a whole lot more crafting from Maltheas’ fine support staff team.
It might seem a little weird that 6 year veteran rewards are becoming available when we only had EQ2’s 5 year anniversary celebration last week. The solution to this mystery is the bonus veteran time that has been gained through purchase of expansions over the years, meaning that some people have already hit 6 years worth. I hit year six in a couple of weeks.
Update: Turns out the Call of the Veteran is slightly cooler than we thought. Rothgar spilled the beans on the forum earlier:
The teleporter actually has two functions. First it summons a portal that only you can see. Right-clicking the portal gives you two options. One option is to port to a group member anywhere in the world. The second option is to summon a group member from anywhere in the world to your location. Once you use an option the portal goes away. I think the recast time on it is 60 minutes.
Yes, this works across zones and yes it works in dungeons. A player must meet the requirements for the zone before they can be summoned to you. So this means they have to have access to the zone and can’t possess a lockout timer for another instance of that zone. Our goal with the summoning ability was to allow veterans to share the “coolness” of this item with other players that might not have it yet.
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