Everquest 2 – Some Views from Sentinel’s Fate

Just a few pictures from Maltheas’ adventures in Everquest 2’s new Sentinel’s Fate expansion. Click the pic for a full screen version.

Maltheas only gets to play with the crafting content at his level, but it has been a lot of fun exploring new areas, especially ones I was familiar with in EQ1.

Everquest 2 Toxxulia Forest Seen From Kerra Isle 450x267

Toxxulia Forest seen from Kerra Isle

Everquest 2 Paineel Viewed From The Air 450x267

Flying in to Paineel.

Everquest 2 The Hua'Mein Practise Tai Chi Within Their Village 450x267

The Hua'Mein practise Tai Chi in their hidden village.

The Hua’Mein are an awesome addition to the game. They are extremely tranquil in nature, and set a fine example to all the crafters and adventurers found rushing about their once secret village in such a hurry. I look forward to them becoming playable. Also, I need to learn their Tai Chi emotes!

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