Spider Babys.

Araneus diadematus, the European garden spider, has been busy in my garden. I spotted this group of bouncing babies having fun on my wheeliebin and thought I’d share!

The focus isn’t perfect, but I think it’s the best my little camera is going to manage as close as I had to get. These spiderlings are little more than a millimetre across each. Click the picture to get a larger version.

Araneus Diadematus Baby European Garden Spiders 499x375

Araneus diadematus - Baby European Garden Spiders

I hope you enjoy this International Day for Biological Diversity. Why not have a rummage around your own garden or street, and see what you can find! I’d love to see pictures, especially those of you in distant lands.

5 comments to Spider Babys.

  • Hi there

    I just uploaded some photos of yellow spiderlings to a cool website called iNaturalist. My photos can be seen at:

    Then while looking for photos of similar baby spiders, I found your photo which looks almost exactly the same as mine. Actually I thought you had copied my photo and put on your site. Then I realized it was a different, but nearly identical photo of yellow baby spiders on what appears to be a trampoline, which is where I found my critters. I took some to my lab and took some photos of the spiders. I don’t know what they are, since I don’t study spiders–I study mollusks. But I will check out the species name you found for yours. By the way, I took my photos in south Texas.

    Cheers, Fabio

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