Videopost: Minecraft, Day 4

In which I take a trip to the seaside, prettify my base, and make an (somewhat) incredible discovery!

For the curious, here’s a map rendering of my current Minecraft gameworld. My home is at the center, and the map makes it more obvious that I’m in quite an odd canyon, that seems to have cut straight through a great mountain range.

Episode 5 is here!

5 comments to Videopost: Minecraft, Day 4

  • Rob Duenas

    Is here anyway to share your worlds? i’m just now learning about the game and I admit, I rather like your world generation ,if not no sweat, thought i would ask first. thx for the great vids!!

  • Twosteps

    I like your videos, I’ll think I’ll try Minecraft tonight! You asked us to post comments for suggestions on what we’d like to see. Well, here’s my idea:

    You mentioned that gravel is affected by gravity unlike other rocks, and it does damage when it falls on you. I was also reading the wiki and I noticed TNT blocks are possible, but require gunpowder. I’m not sure how hard that is to get, but if you combine these two facts, you could probably make a really cool trap for zombies, spiders, etc. where you blast some rocks, and send a bunch of gravel falling down on them. Good luck in your adventure!

  • Twosteps

    Edit? The above was said under t he assumption that mobs in the wold are damaged by falling rocks.

    If they take damage from gravity like players do, then a pit trap may be effective as well.

    • I’m planning on making some traps eventually. Gunpowder though is quite tricky to get your hands on, as it only comes from killing creepers, the chaps who explode when they get close to you. Once I build a bow they’ll become much easier to deal with.