In Which Magicka is Purchased.

I cracked. I’ve heard so many folks talking about Magicka in the last few days that I decided to pick it up while the special Wizard Survival Pack DLC is still included. That special offer ends tomorrow, by the looks of it, though it’s just a few free items and a spell, and I’ve no idea if it is actually useful. Still, free stuff is free stuff, and I might as well get it while it’s warm.

I’m a little late to the party, and it’s likely you already know far more than I do about how the game works. From what I gather, you create magical spells by combining elements in different combinations, with a wide variety of effects. Sounds like intelligent fun, and I’m going to force myself to avoid any spoilers, for a while at least!

Although I’ve purchased and downloaded it, I’m not going to boot it up just yet. I’m still feeling a bit iffy and don’t really fancy battling internet dragons today. In any case the reports are that Magicka is rather buggy at the moment, though patches have been flowing freely, with another large one due to drop on Monday, so leaving it a few days might not be a bad idea anyway.

Once I’m a bit more chipper I’ll report back on how Magicka plays. I might even knock up a video, though it will pale next to the awesomeness of this one!

I’ll insist on being the green wizard, of course, but as it doesn’t sound like that’s one of the popular choices I’ll probably be safe!

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