In Which I Get Some Feathery New Neighbours

I’m really excited. I’ve been living here three years, and for the first time, it looks like I have some birds nesting in the nesting box at the bottom of my garden. I only have one decent tree, and it is the same one I had the flock of Bohemian Waxwings in in January.

I think it’s a pair of blue tits. They spent a few days in March clearing out what was probably a bit of a mess in there, but seem to have settled down now. They probably don’t have chicks on their wings yet, or I’d expect there to be a lot more activity, but I suspect the big day won’t be too far off!

It’s a cloudy day here, and it was tricky to persuade my camera to focus properly with all the twigs between me and the box, but here are the best pictures I managed to get of my uncooperative new friends!

Blue Tits In Norwich Nestbox 600x414

It’s been slow posting here of late. I’ve not been feeling too well to be honest, but being able to watch these little chaps from my desk is cheering me right up!

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