Badly damaged in their first encounter with the Qaxorian fleet, the Starblade has crash landed on the surface of Titan. But will the moon’s mysterious inhabitants prove to be friendly or just another threat?
Deep in the outer reaches of the solar system, Jack Steel has taken the fight to the Qaxorian enemy, only to discover that the Starblade’s weapons are useless against the alien shielding. Now, surrounded by enemy vessels, Jack and his friends face a tough fight to escape.
If you happen to like our little show, do please share it with anyone else you think might be interested. Season one’s Episodes 1-7 are also available through the player below.
Jack’s Back, baby!!! The continuing adventures of Jack, Bilkins, and Yvette will thrill you and chill you, possibly, or at least mildly entertain you!
I’m really pleased with Season 2, which starts with episode 7. It is a quantum leap in quality from our first year. We learned a lot from year one, and our musicians and sound engineers have done an extraordinary job with the resources available. I am just a humble actor (cringing whenever I hear my lines) in this production, most of the hard work being done long before and long after I’ve left the studio.
If you happen to like our little show, do please share it with anyone else you think might be interested. Season one’s Episodes 1-6 are also available through the player below.
Episode 7 – Into the Aether
With his plans to subjugate the British Empire in tatters, Quaxorian agent Mordred Pendragon has fled into the depths of space to rendezvous with his alien masters. In close pursuit, Squadron Leader Jack Steel pilots the earthship Starblade, his mission simple: Stop the alien fleet before it reaches Earth and wipes out human civilisation.
Not going to be much posting today, as I have to get ready for, and attend, the launch party for the new season of Squadron Leader Jack Steel and the Starblade. I get quite ridiculously nervous before these things. We’ll be hearing the show for the first time, and I’ll be wincing at my own lines throughout, as I always do!
Jack Steel is a little radio-play type podcast that I’m lucky enough to get to be in, providing the voice of everybody’s favourite zombie-sixing alien-zapping Squadron Leader. For anyone interested, here is last years production, covering how Jack and friends defend 1930’s Britain from an existential threat.:
The incredibly awesome Jack Steel song by Bill McSweeney:
Season 1 of Squadron Jack Steel and the Starblade:
Mordred takes a bow! When last we met our terrific trio, they were in grave danger of becoming charred embers under the fires of Mordred’s rocketship. Has that dastardly villain finally gotten the better of Jack?
This is the final episode in our little series. Making them was a blast, and we’ll hopefully get a second season to you soon.
Mordred’s Gambit! Can Jack, Yvette, and Charlie get their hands on Excalibur, before Rasputin and his zombie horde tear them into small pieces of hero?