Ark’s Magical Modded Minecraft Misadventure 42 : Railcraft Iron Tanks

My oil drilling has been a splendid success, but it has left me with the problem of where to store it all. Buildcraft tanks are excellent for moderate amounts of liquids, but for massive storage, the best way is to go with some variety of multiblock tank, and I’m going to be using Railcraft’s Iron Tanks for that purpose

Mods Encountered

Railcraft by CovertJaguar : The first appearance for Railcraft! There are quite a lot of other mods which also offer some sort of multitank, but Railcraft’s are relatively simple to make and work beautifully. I had a few little problems during the video, but we worked through them in the end.

Buildcraft maintained by CovertJaguar: The pipes and redstone engines that form the basis of my technological exploits are all from Buildcraft. I have quite a web of piping all over the place now. I’ll be glad to be able to dismantle my oil pipeline. As it was always going to be temporary, it didn’t seem worth burying, but it is rather an eyesore.

Forestry by Sir Sengir: Butterflys are a new addition to Forestry, and do not yet serve much of a purpose. I’m sure that’s going to change, so I scoop them up whenever I see them.

1 comment to Ark’s Magical Modded Minecraft Misadventure 42 : Railcraft Iron Tanks

  • Eli

    You need another tank. That Tank is unlikely to hold ALL of your oil. A little more would be a good idea.

    Also, since you are already working with Railcraft, my suggestion is that you go ahead and make a coke oven. It will make your coal more efficient, and will produce creosote, which can work as another fuel, if need be.

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