We begin as we left off, with your humble chronicler trapped down a well by the cruellest and most devious of traps. Oh woe! Shall I ever see my dear beehives again?
Spoiler Alert: Yes.
Mods mentioned
Ruins by AtomicStryker : Most of Ruin’s structures don’t try to kill you. That well had a pretty good try though.
Grimoire of Gaia by Silentine : A new creature encountered today! The Creep is the juvenile form of the creeper, only encountered underground. Their more compact form makes then even more dangerous.
Buildcraft : Once I get my hands on that elusive Buildcraft energy, I’ll be able to pump liquids via pipes between tanks and other machines. For now, they’re just a convenient way to store liquids.
This is my favourite currently ongoing series on Youtube Ark. Keep it up!
Wow, thanks! I’m honoured to hear that! I’m really enjoying making it. Just about to upload Ep 21 for tomorrow. Back to Thaumcraft!
I should probably try to put the series out there a bit more. I finally got around to posting in the Minecraft forum’s Let’s Play section, so perhaps that might attract a few more viewers.
You could even share episodes that include a certain mod on the specific mod’s thread, too! Especially if a bug occurs or if something remarkable happens
I’ve done that a little bit, but I don’t like to be too spammy. Tricky balance to strike.
I think I’m going to post it on Fakebook, too. I’ve got a few friends who either play themselves, or their kids play ..plus I’m starting to crave some friends to play your mod setup with in SMP.
That’d be neat!