With my ill-gotten apiaries from the village, it’s time to begin my bee-keeping career. I show how to craft a scoop, locate the basic Forestry hives, make a starter bee house, and get it working on making delicious honey!
Mods encountered
Forestry by Sir Sengir: The Meadows and Forest hives I went looking for are basic Forestry hives. I went after those two in particular because those bees will do well in Extreme Hills, which are also normal temperature and humidity. I’ll look at the other basic hive bees in a future episode.
Extra Bees by Binnie : The Extra Bees Hive that slipped my mind was Stone Hives, which occur underground. I’ve encountered a couple in the cave episodes.
Magic Bees by MysticAges : The other hives I spotted in the Forest were new additions from when I updated Magic Bees earlier this week. I’m leaving these and the Extra Bees hives alone until I get the hang of the simple Forestry ones.
Utility Mobs by Father Toast : Seeing as I can’t get my chest golem to stay, it seems he’ll be accompanying me on all my adventures! I have decided to call him Boxy. I hope he’s better at dodging creepers than I am.
Poor Boxy. He was adorable. I hope he didn’t get his name confused with Boxxy and die from that.