Ark’s Magical Modded Minecraft Misadventure 53 : A Dish Best Served Cold

I have bided my time, lulling them into a false sense of security, but it is now time for the goblins to reap the whirlwind they have sown. This time I bring some friends.

Well, that could have gone better. Also, I kept calling it Tundra for no good reason, when it was clearly a Taiga biome.

In all honesty, snow golems are not terribly effective troops, and I would have been far better off using some of Special Mobs golem options. I did want to take the opportunity to show them in action though, and they’re quite fun. The wolves performed excellently.

Mods Encountered

Goblins 4.2 by Sartharis : Those green menaces have defeated me again! I shall need to re-equip and regroup in order to retrieve my equipment. Fortunately, it’s safe inside a Taigore’s Inventory Saver, so it’ll be there waiting for me.

I managed to get rid of one of the goblin spawners, at least, and did kill an awful lot of the goblin menace. If I understand correctly, goblin spawners only have a finite number of goblins they can create, so I will eventually whittle them down.

Mo Creatures 5.2.3 : Last time I battled the Goblin camp, a polar bear decided to interfere and was partially responsible for my death. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I much prefer to make exciting new mistakes.

16 comments to Ark’s Magical Modded Minecraft Misadventure 53 : A Dish Best Served Cold

  • Squishy

    OK, so what about tunneling under the village to hit the spawners so that they never see you? Could that work? You would only need to be 1 block below the surface and clear the area until the ceiling block was the spawner. Destroy it and then quickly replace it with dirt or stone.

  • Squid

    I think you should make a large tank of lava with ordinary blocks as the tank, then use the building mover to move just the lava and dump it on the goblin camp..

  • Eli

    Hey, Ark. I’m back and at college.

    I need to get back to Minecraft, myself.

    When I have the time.

  • JJ

    You’ve left us on a cliffhanger Ark! I need to know what happens now. Don’t do a Firefly on me!

  • James Henry

    How’s life Ark? I miss your minecraft episodes.. (I’m the one who remembered your original series heh)

    Hope to hear you’re well and coming back to play for us again soon? =)

  • Mousie

    I hope you’re well.

    ~ An anonymous lurker

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