Changes to my feed.

It seems strange to me, but far more people read this blog through RSS feeds than on the blog itself. Probably because folks stay subscribed during my extended periods of inactivity! Hello, feed-readers, I love you!

I’ve just made some changes so that the feed link here on the page redirects to feedburner. My new feed offers some interesting features over the old one, so if you’re a subscriber, you might want to delete your old entry, head on over, and resubscribe. The old one will carry on working fine though, if you want to stick with that.

All New Fabuloso WordPress Thing!

My dear host, horrified that I was using Blogger, has kindly set this up for me. Not sure exactly what I’ll do with it yet, but having a good old fiddle with it.

I’ve just about finished importing both my blogspot blogs. It’s all ended up looking a bit of a mess, but I’m sure it’ll work out!

I’ve cleaned out my forum, and hopefully it’ll see some use again! Stop by and say hello!