Well, it had to happen. In spite of rather enjoying Everquest 2 at the moment, I have finally given in to the avalanche of requests for me to try Warhammer Online. Even friends who’ve never played an MMO in their life have been inspired to give it a go. If we manage to coordinate on server choice, we might actually end up with quite a sizable guild!
I’d been steadfastly ignoring all news of the game, so I’ve sat through all the developer podcasts tonight in an attempt to educate myself a little. It seems interesting, but I have become horribly cynical about new MMO releases, so I’m reluctant to get too excited just yet.
It still seems a bit of an odd game to me, from what I’ve read on it. Maybe I’m just stuck in my ways, but the only two crafts are talisman making, and apothecary. Where’s the smithing? The tailoring? Still, that they are willing to try a different approach can only be at worst educational, and at best, groundbreaking.
Our spy in the Beta tells us that Team Evil has a much greater population than Team Good, so I’ll be agitating for us to be the good guys this time around.
Blast, that song is stuck in my head now. Lets see if I can find it on Youtube:
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