Fallen Ark (And Mintball) + Fallen Earth 1.4 patch notes

In the last few days I’ve been revisiting Fallen Earth. I tried the trial for a couple of days a few months ago, but didn’t really get into it. Having scored a free month from Massively, I’ve come back to give it another try, and I’m finding it more engaging than before. Maybe I’m just in more receptive mood, or it could be something to do with all the patches that have been applied in the meantime. I’m having fun. And so is my horse.

Fallen Earth Arkenor 500x307

Fallen Earth's version of Arkenor, with his trusty steed, Mintball.

It’s a weird game, in a good way. Combat is First Person Shooter style, which makes it both exciting, and usually quite short, one way or the other. If, like me, you’re not actually terribly good at FPS any more then this might give you some problems, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it again. Being a bit rubbish at combat is not necessarily a problem anyway, as you gain xp for harvesting and crafting. Not just crafting xp that only makes you better at baking cakes. The real stuff. Technically you could hit the level cap without very much combat at all, though harvesting ingredients does lead to the occasional unpleasantness with the local mutated fauna and flora, so you’d want to at least have some rudimentary combat skills.

Crafting seems quite deep, with just about everything in the game being craftable, and so many different ingredients that my bank is set to burst. To my joy, the only thing that stops me from working every craft is time, as unlike the other skills, crafting skills improve through use rather than needing points put in them. To craft an item can take a significant amount of time, but you don’t have to stand about waiting. You just set it off, and go about your business. You can queue up to 20 crafting jobs that will trigger in order, providing you have the ingredients in your inventory. How I am managing to bake and sew while riding about shooting things I am unsure, but it beats having to watch a progress bar. You continue to work through your crafting queue when you’re offline, which is particularly handy for lengthy jobs, like the parts I am putting together for building my All Terrain Vehicle. At the moment most crafting jobs takes between 1 and 10 minutes, but I think that will increase as I move to higher level items.

The game engine is smooth and pleasant, and the UI is responsive. Inevitably, given the setting, the colour palette tends towards earth tones, with very few bright colours. It’s a dirty, rusty, decaying sort of world, but perhaps if mankind can learn its lessons it will bloom again. It’s also a big world with, so far as I’ve seen, no instant travel. You receive a basic horse early on in your career, which makes this a lot less painful. Later you can get faster horses, and a variety of mechanical vehicles. At the moment that is quite sufficient for me, though I will be interested to see exactly how long it takes to get from the furthest high level reaches of the game world back to Sector One. Maybe we could try to get the old train lines working again.

This week there was a major patch called Blood Sports. The main feature is a sort of PvP arena that you can pop in and out of as desired. I haven’t tried it yet, mostly because I suspect it would involve a lot of me being punished for being under-equipped. I’ll check it out when I feel a little less like a puny newbie.

In addition, the level cap has risen from 45 to 50, and a new world area has been opened up to support that. That obviously doesn’t affect me too much either yet. There have also been a whole swathe of skill rebalancings, which probably do affect me, but I hadn’t had time to get to used to how they were before, so I probably won’t notice. The Fallen Earth 1.4 patch notes can be read in full after the jump.

If you fancy checking this rather unique MMO out, there is a ten day trial available over on the official website.

Blood Sports
The Bankers have made Blood Sports available to all clones level 5 and higher. In order to participate in their games, register your LifeNet data with one of the Blood Sports Registrars.
1. Visit a Registrar in
· Central towns (ex: Trader’s Flat, New Flagstaff, Odenville, Embry Crossroads, and Oilville)
· Faction Towns
· Larger settlements (ex: Watchtower, Sunshine Corners, and Dieseltown)
2. The Registrar will give you a kit to modify your LifeNet Collar so you can participate in the matches.
3. You may now access the Blood Sports sign up from anywhere in the canyon.

To access Blood Sports once you have signed up with the Blood Sports Registrar:
1. Click “Menu”
2. Click “Blood Sports”
3. Select the match you would like to enter by clicking “Join Queue”
4. You may also queue for Random Matches by clicking “Random Queue”

· Deathmatch is a 16-player free-for-all match. Players earn points based on number of kills and other special bonus points.
· Survival is also a 16-player free-for all-match and as the name suggests, players are awarded for staying alive the longest!
· Capture the Flag is where two teams of eight square-off to attempt to capture the enemy flag while protecting their own! First team to reach a score of three wins!

Just past Deadfall Point lies a newly habitable region waiting to be explored. Players will face severely irradiated creatures in a drastically changed landscape; uncover the mysteries of its LifeNet facility and reveal the truth about one of the largest villain groups, Shiva’s Favored. The new region includes a level cap increase from 46 to 50, additional items and components, storyline extensions, a new mutant mount, salvaged settlements and new sculpted terrain.

Conflict Towns
The Gallows (formerly New Gallows), Tinkersdam, Hollister Point, The Dump and Fender Gate are now timed conflict towns. In a timed conflict town, there is no neutral state. The town flips from faction to faction, allowing for faster play. The faction with the most points when the countdown reaches zero controls the town. Additionally, faction-specific scavenging nodes will appear with control of any of the towns and new missions have been added that contribute points directly to the town for each enemy player killed.

Clan Wars
Players can join forces to declare war against other clans, make a wager on the winner and gain Deathtoll points -. War can be declared anytime, anywhere, making worldwide PvP accessible for those who choose it.

Effects Rebalance
Through the effects revamp, we are reducing buff stacking and dependence on consumables, as well as balancing mutations in relation to active skills (as mutations were originally designed to be an optional supplement to characters). As part of these goals, players may only have one of the effect types on at any given time. Individuals may increase or decrease in power depending on their importance and compatibility with the new formulas and slot blockers.

Our new Achievements System provides five categories of potential accomplishments, from killing prairie chickens to amping up faction points to exploring all corners of the Grand Canyon Province that you can reach.
To access your Achievements window, click the menu button on the lower left of the UI and select Achievements.
Many achievements are unlocked automatically as goals are reached. Some, such as the Exploration achievements, require you to interact with tourist telescopes at various points throughout the Province.

All characters have a one-time Respec opportunity. Each player will receive a Pristine Recombinant Injector via in-game mail that initiates the Respec process. Players will need to retrieve this item from their in-game mail by the time the message expires (90 days) in order to redeem their Respec. You can use the Pristine Recombinant Injector at any time, but you won’t have to Respec immediately after using the item. When you do decide to Respec, you will be provided with an interface similar to the Attribute window for resetting your stats and getting a refund of AP. Tradeskill knowledges are affected only inasmuch as they remain inaccessible until you boost your Intelligence and Perception back up to the necessary levels. Otherwise, the Respec only affects stats and basic skills. It has no bearing on faction points, Death Toll, or other metrics in the game. Any armor or weapons that you were wearing but are no longer eligible to use will be placed in your pack or mailed to you. You will retain all previously learned knowledges and recipes, but if you spec out of the attributes required for them, you will no longer be able to use them. Because this Respec is player-initiated, that gives you the opportunity to research and test the results of the new effects revamp before settling on a final build. We are not forcing anyone to Respec, and there will be no time limit for using the Respec once you’ve already claimed your Pristine Recombinant Injector from the mail. For more details on the Respec, see the full dev journal.

· Added recipes for Carbon Hexweave and Armored Mesoprene Boots to their respective parent knowledges.
· Corrected Light Crushing Weapons to properly display the single item that is currently included under its heading. More recipes will become available under this heading as the game progresses.
· Increased the number of shells produced by the Incendiary Shells recipe to 60 (up from 40).

· Corrected the functionality of Shock Blast so that it properly explodes on the target.
· Changed Denial (all ranks) so that it only overrides mutations of its own power level or lower.
· Corrected a bug in Nullification that was preventing it from applying the debuff to the target.
· Corrected a field in Armor Melting that was preventing it from properly debuffing armor.

· Fixed a display issue with item examination tooltip for NPC faction requirement that was showing red even though the requirement was met.
· Fixed a crash if you type a lot of spaces into local chat
· Updated the attributes window to correctly show the min and max for the skills and mutations while previewing points spent in the base stats.
· Added support for alternate currency merchants that is used for deathtoll merchants

· Player’s stamina regenerates at 1/3 rate if running, 2/3 if jogging, and full if walking or standing still.
· Added support for tracers with different steps so they don’t show on every shot; Rifles currently show the tracers every third shot.

· Fixed email recipient names to trim trailing spaces.

· You can now park and tow your pet while mounted.

· Added new distance sounds for pistols, silencers, SMGs, shotguns, sniper rifle, rifles, air rifle and airguns.
· Fixed some issues with bullet impact occlusion and hearing NPCs’ bullet impacts.
· Added new sounds for the following.
o Bullet impact and flybys
o Silencers
o SMGs
o Blight Wolf Mounts
o Dog pets
o Shiva’s Favored merchants and questors
o Shiva’s Favored in combat
o Elite Super Soldiers
· Added new music and UI cues for Clan Wars and Dueling
· Implemented an Audio Priority System
· Added newly mastered battle music for the tutorial.
· Added a newly mastered Fallen Earth Theme for the login screen.
· Updated levels so that all of them now include appropriate music and sound.
· Checked all footsteps for male and female models and updated them where necessary.
· Adjusted the range setting for static looping sounds. It should fade in and out much more smoothly.
· Lowered the Foley sounds on character stances.
· Adjusted the sound timing on all new one-handed combat animations.
· Added sound to first-person combat animations.
· Converted all UI sounds in order to save space and decrease download time.
· Assigned a new bullet hit sound to billboards.
· Assigned a new bullet sound to a large ruin pile.

· Added texture of the Enforcer Armor
· Remodeled and textured the following.
o Sawhorse and sawhorse tables
o The Armorcraft workbench
o Cable spool tables, broken and intact.
o Exterior fans
o Stadium lights
o Restaurant booths
· Added tracers to all ranged weapons.
· Added arrows to crossbows.
· Added shell casings and flipped weapons so shells eject properly.
· Fixed several graphic glitches on the Blight Wolf mount.
· Fixed the NPC buttoned shirt model so that different colors and patterns are available.
· Optimized the geometry on the film canister models and fixed their texture to correct a misspelling.
· Fixed the collision on an industrial building so that characters won’t sink through the floor.
· Adjusted the particle effect on the stink bug attack.
· Adjusted the collision on the car pile models
· Fixed the female models to keep guns from being offset in their hands.
· Fixed the Marauder Plate so that a sword on the player’s back won’t clip through it.
· Fixed the look of the prairie chicken leg on a grill model.
· Fixed the collision on a mountain object.
· Fixed a gas mask that was missing textures on the female models.
· Fixed the CHOTA armor that would cause a character’s arms to disappear when combined with a long-sleeved shirt.
· Fixed the gaps at the neck and waist of certain CHOTA NPC shirts.
· Fixed the lenses on a Tech helmet.
· Fixed the blacked-out lenses on some gas masks.

· Added different idles and attacks for using the various categories of melee weapons in first person. There are two attacks per category. Players can see the left-handed attack animations by clicking with the right mouse button.
· Added animations for the new rifles.
· Added new animations for flipping the Kill Switch and pulling a lever in Bloodsports.

· Fixed a bug where recently disabled pets did not always follow the player after being healed.
· Fixed heals to not fire after a player dies.
· Adjusted character regeneration to reset pitch and roll.
· Stopped Group Tactics effects from spamming chat when people are dueling nearby.
· Show the wrist armor in first person mode.

New Attribute Derivations
· Changed Armor Use to be based off of 75% Endurance and 25% Coordination.
· Changed Dodge to be based off of 50% Coordination and 50% Perception.
· Changed Melee to be based off of 50% Strength and 50% Coordination
· Changed Rifle to be based off of 50% Dexterity and 50% Perception.
· Changed Pistol to be based off of 50% Dexterity and 50% Perception.
· Posted more information here: http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/showthread.php?t=37052

Conflict Towns
· Added ammo rewards so that all factions have a repeatable mission providing each type of pistol, rifle, and shotgun ammo as a choice of reward, except in Park City.
· Deprecated all existing missions to kill other players. These have been replaced with a new mission type that adds faction points directly to the conflict town for each player kill.
· Added Faction Supplies harvest nodes to each town. These harvest nodes have a faction requirement for harvesting and will change based on the faction that controls the town.
· Added a knowledge reward required to activate the Faction Supplies harvest nodes to all conflict town faction repeatable missions.
· Rebalanced all Tiered Merchants making more and better merchandise available.

· Increased the slope angle max on all Interceptor vehicles to 350. This should prevent them from getting stuck in certain mission locations.

Harvest Nodes
· Reduced the drop rate of berries slightly on the level 45 fruit nodes.

· Assigned most effects to one of the following channels. You may only have one of each effect type on you at a time. This reduces buff stacking and streamlines the system for better balance. Individual effects may have increased or decreased in power depending on their importance and compatibility with the new formulas and slot blockers.
o Primary Skill
o Secondary Skill
o Primary Mutation
o Secondary Mutation
o Aura
o Contingency Plan
o Food
o Drink
o Camp
o Rest
o Consumable Item
o Stance
o Armor Proc
o Stun
o Snare
· Added additional hidden channels to prevent “debuff stacking” as well in order to reach the effect cap.
· Fixed all Stances, with the exception of Flag of Truce, to persist through death.
· Updated heal effects. The new general guideline is that any large-burst heal requires the player to remain stationary during the use time (generally 1.5 to 2 seconds). Any regeneration-boosting heal can be activated on the move. Encouragement (Group Tactics) is the exception to this rule; it CAN be activated on the move.

· Reworked all skill-derived abilities to follow new formulas, as well as reworked all slot blockers. See below for individual changes on effects. All tooltips have been reworked to follow the new formulas and effect alterations.
· Changed all skill-initiated armor debuffs to share the same hidden channel.

Armor Use
o Changed Buckle Down to a Contingency Plan and rebalanced its armor bonus. It lasts 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.
o Increased the defense bonuses on Dreadnaught and reduced its armor bonus.
o Decreased the numeric effects of Efficiency and Equilibrium slightly to accommodate for the new balance.
o Changed Evasive Maneuvers to a Contingency Plan and increased its defense bonuses significantly. It lasts 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.
o Reduced the activation time for Knockdown to half a second and edited the tooltip.
o Changed Pain Sponge to a Contingency Plan. Altered the armor bonus slightly, and increased the defense bonuses. It lasts 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.
o Increased the range on Pinpoint Vulnerability to 20 meters and rebalanced its armor modification with the new formulas. Increased its cooldown time to 45 seconds.
o Changed Soak Elements to increase the armor value of all secondary and tertiary damage types and increased its primary armor reduction.
o Changed Unstoppable to a Contingency Plan. Increased its armor value and its Melee skill bonus slightly. The ability lasts 15 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.

o Rebalanced the scaling of Body Toughening, with an overall effect increase. It is a Primary Skill and thus won’t stack with other Primary Skill buffs. Lowered the use time to 2 seconds.
o Changed Dash to a Contingency Plan. Decreased the speed value somewhat and rounded the combat penalties to a flat 50% for the short duration of the ability. Reduced the cooldown to 2 minutes.
o Changed Fitness to a Secondary Skill buff that lasts one hour. Rebalanced its stamina cost with new formulas and lowered the use time to 2 seconds.
o Reduced the defense and attack penalties of Marathon to 25% and removed the slow stamina drain.
o Rebalanced the scaling of Reflexes with an overall effect increase. It is a Primary Skill and thus won’t stack with other Primary Skill buffs. Lowered the use time to 2 seconds.
o Changed Roll with the Punches to a Contingency Plan. Reworked its bonus to save values to refer to it as a “save rating” so that the percentage buff does not confuse people (in relation to the diminishing returns on save percentages). It lasts 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.
o Changed Second Wind to a Contingency Plan. Reduced the overall stamina regeneration buff, but the power now lasts 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown and there are no defense or attack penalties.
o Rebalanced the stamina costs of Shake it Off and changed its activation time to a half second.
o Reduced the armor bonuses for Survivor and gave it a bonus Body save rating.
o Rebalanced the scaling of Vigor with an overall effect increase. It is a Primary Skill and thus won’t stack with other Primary Skill buffs. Lowered the use time to 2 seconds.

o Changed Autumn Leaves to a Contingency Plan with a 15 second duration and a 1 minute cooldown. Decreased its defense bonus slightly.
o Rebalanced the defense and save rating bonuses of Duck and Weave with the new formulas.
o Changed Escape to a Contingency Plan. Reduced its cooldown to 1 minute and rebalanced its defense values.
o Changed Low Profile to a Contingency Plan. Increased its duration to 30 seconds and reduced its cooldown to 1 minute. Rebalanced its defense bonuses and stamina cost.
o Changed Smoke Screen to a Contingency Plan. It remains an Enforcer ability. Increased its duration to 30 seconds, reduced its cooldown to 1 minute, and rebalanced its defensive bonuses.

First Aid
o Changed Extended Care to a Secondary Skill buff, reduced its stamina cost across all ranks, and rebalanced the health regeneration. Reduced the use time to 3 seconds.
o Changed Fortify to a Primary Skill buff rebalanced its buffed Dexterity, Endurance and stamina regeneration. Reduced its stamina cost and increased its duration to one hour along with all other significant long-duration buffs.
o Increased Pressure Points’ debuff to Strength and Coordination substantially in the higher ranks, reduced its stamina cost, and fixed the following stun effect to properly check for resists.
o Changed Refresh to a Contingency Plan that can be used on others nearby. Reduced its stamina regeneration and increased its duration to 30 seconds.
o Added a 1 minute health regeneration buff to all Resuscitation ranks now. Reduced the cooldown to 15 seconds. It is only usable on dead targets as expected.
o Changed Sand and Stone to a Secondary Skill buff. Reduced its armor buff value and bonus maximum health slightly and reduced its use time to 3 seconds.
o Reduced the activation time for Stanch Wound to 2 seconds and reduced its stamina cost substantially. Rebalanced the instant healing value across ranks.
o Rebalanced the stamina cost of Suck It Up.
o Changed Treat Disease and Treat Poison, which remove ranks of disease or poison respectively and then apply a large 1 minute boost to armor against those types of damage. Reduced their activation time to 2 seconds and rebalanced their stamina costs.

Group Tactics
o Increased the range of all Group Tactics skills to 20 meters if they were not already.
o Changed Combat Endurance to a Secondary Skill buff that increases stamina regeneration for its duration.
o Rebalanced the buff values of Defensive Coordination. It remains an Aura.
o Increased the use time of Encouragement to 2 seconds and rebalanced its healing value (higher at lower levels, a bit lower at the top rank). In keeping with the theme of Group Tactics and the way other direct heals have been changed, you can no longer use this ability on yourself.
o Changed Give ’em Hell to a Contingency Plan and increased its buff values substantially. Reduced the cooldown to 1 minute.
o Changed Hold the Line to a Contingency Plan. Removed its defense buffs and increased its armor and save buffs. Reduced its cooldown to 1 minute.
o Changed Inspiration to a Contingency Plan and increased its buff values substantially. The duration is now 15 seconds and it has a 1 minute cooldown.
o Changed Lead the Charge to a Contingency Plan and increased its buff values. Removed the threat increase portion. Its duration is 15 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown.
o Rebalanced the buff values of Offensive Coordination.
o Rebalanced the buff values of Organize.
o Increased the debuff values of Overwhelm.
o Changed Rally to a Contingency Plan. It increases health and stamina regeneration along with defenses for 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown. Reduced its regeneration rates slightly.
o Reblanaced the attack sill and regeneration debuffs of Suppressive Attack for a 30 second duration.

o Removed the flat damage values from all Melee skills that require a weapon swing. They are now based on actual weapon damage. For example, if you prepare Smash 1, it will deal the weapon’s damage rather than the forced flat value, and then follow with the stun attempt. All abilities now state whether or not they are resistible and by which saving throw they are opposed.
o Reduced the armor debuff of Brutalize slightly. This effect deals weapon damage and is not resistible, but is followed by a resistible stun (Body). Reduced its stamina cost slightly.
o Reduced the snare value of Cripple slightly, but the ability now deals weapon damage as well. It is not resistible and does not stack with other snares.
o Reduced the defense values of Defensive Fighting slightly and increased its stamina regeneration slightly.
o Changed Feint to deal weapon damage in addition to its other effects. Reduced its defense penalties, armor debuff, and stamina cost.
o Changed Lingering Wound to deal weapon damage and follow with bleed damage over time. Neither is resistible, but the rank of the bleed is visible on the effect tooltip so that it can be spotted and cured quickly enough.
o Changed Payback to deal weapon damage. Reduced the defense penalties slightly. It is not resistible.
o Reduced the armor debuff of Pierce Armor slightly. It now deals weapon damage in addition to its usual effects. It is not resistible
o Rebalanced the defense debuff for Provoke across ranks and reduced its stamina cost. It is resistible (Mind).
o Rebalanced the defense bonuses of Rapid Advance and increased its armor debuff slightly.
o Reduced the skill buffs and penalties of Reckless Attacks slightly. This skill may see further review in the future.
o Changed the name of Knife Hand Strike to River Meets Rushing Boar. It remains a Lightbearer combat skill that deals weapon damage, reduces the target’s defenses for 15 seconds (not resistible), and follows with a resistible stun. Reduced its stamina cost.
o Changed Smash to deal weapon damage, then attempt to stun as usual (resistible by Body). Reduced its stamina cost.

o Implemented Code to allow all pistol skills to have an effective range of 100 meters, which is limited by the max range of the weapon firing the ability. For example, if you fire Staggering Shot 2 using a pistol that has a 30 meter range, you can only hit targets with the ability up to 30 meters, not 100 meters.
o Changed Desperado to a Contingency Plan. Reduced its cooldown to 1 minute, and for balance purposes lowered the Pistol skill buff slightly as well.
o Clarified the tooltip of Gun to a Knife Fight and changed it to a Contingency Plan. The general effect remains the same.
o Reduced the attack and defense bonuses of Gunfighter slightly.
o Reworked Perforate. This is a prepared pistol attack that causes a heavy armor debuff and prevents stamina regeneration for the duration of the effect.
o Changed Pistol Whip slightly. The crushing damage functionality is no longer resistible, but the subsequent stun is. Rebalanced the Stamina cost across ranks.
o Reworked Smoking Sabot Round, which now inflicts damage as with a normal pistol shot, and then applies the fire DoT whose damage is vastly increased. Neither effect is resistible.
o Changed Staggering Shot to inflict normal weapon damage and apply a snare, which is slightly reduced in effectiveness. The ability is no longer resistible.

o Implemented the same code that helps pistol skills reach a potential 100 meters for rifles. Range limitations on the weapon itself will still inhibit abilities from achieving this distance.
o Changed Agonizing Wound to inflict weapon damage instead of a flat value and then apply its snare and health regeneration nullification. The ability is no longer resistible.
o Reworked Puncture to inflict weapon damage and apply a heavy armor debuff for 15 seconds.
o Reworked One Shot, One Kill to inflict weapon damage and then apply a bleed, preventing stamina regeneration for the duration of the bleed. Neither effect is resistible. Removed the 100% armor penetration.
o Rebalanced the Rifle and stamina regeneration bonuses for Precise Aim remains with the new formulas.
o Reworked the crushing damage and snare effect of Rifle Smash slightly. The damage and snare are not resistible. The stun can be resisted by a Body save.
o Changed Unbreakable Focus to a Contingency Plan. It increases your Rifle skill as it once did, along with the Ranged Defense penalty.

o Changed Inconspicuous to a Contingency Plan that increases defenses for 30 seconds and reduces threat.
o Changed Laughable Offense to a snare ability that decreases attack skills and speed for 30 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown and is resistible with a Mind save.
o Changed Pathetic Defense so that it reduces the target’s defenses and save ratings for 30 seconds. It is resistible with a Mind save.
o Changed Mockery of Impotence so that it reduces all of the target’s regeneration rates by a scaling value for 30 seconds. It is resistible with a Mind save.
o Changed Boisterous Boast to a group-wide Contingency Plan that increases stamina and gamma regeneration rates for 30 seconds.
o Changed Infuriate to a snare ability that greatly increases threat and applies a snare to your target for 15 seconds. It is resistible with a Mind save.

· Reworked all mutation-derived abilities to follow new formulas and reworked the skill channels. See below for individual changes on effects. Edited all tooltips to follow the new formulas and effect alterations.
· Changed certain buffing mutations to “devote” gamma instead of costing it. This term is used whenever your maximum possible gamma is reduced by an effect, thereby limiting the amount of gamma that can be used for other mutations.
· Corrected a flag issue where certain resurrection effects could situationally be used on yourself after death.
· Added information to the tooltips of Beast Might and Primal Vigor to explain that they do not stack with one another.

Alpha Mutations
o Updated and reorganized the skill minimums for all Alpha mutations. They remain in the same general configuration, but may be gained earlier or later depending on the individual rank.
o Assigned the Bolster, Gird, and Quicken mutations to the Secondary Mutations slot. They are toggled abilities that devote gamma and remain in effect until removed. Alpha buffing mutations are designed to be weaker than other mutation buffs of similar type (in terms of numeric balance) but are in place to allow players who do not specialize in mutations to make use of at least one of the slots available (as Alpha mutations increase based on Willpower stat and not by devoting AP).
o Changed Disrupt to debuff Coordination and save ratings for 15 seconds and rebalanced its gamma cost.
o Rebalanced the healing values and gamma cost of Patch.

o Increased the range of Empower to 20 meters (from the user, as it is a point blank area of effect) and rebalanced its numeric values with the new formulas.
o Rebalanced Benevolence so that it (along with other large bursty mutation heals) is not usable on the move. It can also no longer be used on yourself (that is the function of Priority). Its use time is 2 seconds and its cooldown is 3 seconds. Its numeric values have been rebalanced so that it is stronger at lower ranks and weaker at higher ranks than it was previously.
o Altered the negative effect ranks of Preservation slightly (generally increasing them) and rebalanced its gamma cost.
o Changed Priority so that it is no longer usable on the move. Rebalanced its numeric values for healing and Gamma cost (similar to Benevolence, though slightly weaker as Benevolence is the cornerstone of the Empathic mutation path).
o Reworked Restoration slightly. The mutation now only restores health, but also applies a health regeneration buff for 30 seconds after the resurrection is accepted. Increased its range to 10 meters and its activation time to 8 seconds.
o Changed Sympathy Pains to a toggled Primary Mutation that devotes a portion of your gamma. It puts up a reflective shield that causes minor psionic damage to those who strike the user in melee until it is toggled off.

o Changed Ablate to a toggled Primary Mutation that increases all secondary and tertiary armor ratings for the user by a scaling amount based on the new formulas. It devotes gamma instead of costing it.
o Changed Calibration to a Secondary Mutation that acts similar to an aura (without actually occupying the same channel as a Group Tactics aura). It increases the primary armor of all teammates within 20 meters by a value based on the new formulas. This can potentially be overwritten by a teammates existing Secondary Mutation if it is considered more powerful.
o Rebalanced the gamma cost of Dissolve, which continues to be the Enhancement path’s damage over time ability, causing an acid effect and reducing armor by a scaling value for 15 seconds. Changed its armor debuff effects to share the same effect channel as other armor debuffs.
o Changed Regenerate to a toggled Secondary Mutation that increases the user’s health regeneration and Body save ratings until switched off. It devotes gamma instead of costing it.
o Changed Reinforce to a toggled Primary Mutation that increases the user’s Endurance and stamina regeneration until switched off. It devotes gamma instead of costing it.
o Changed Resilience to a toggled Secondary Mutation that increases the user’s Reflex and Mind save ratings and health regeneration by formula-derived values until switched off. It devotes gamma instead of costing it.
o Changed the Base Reuse Delay of Dissolve 2 from 250 dsec to 50 dsec.

o Reworked Cannibalize as not a damaging mutation, but a debuff plus recovery that reduces the target’s regeneration rates for 15 seconds and restores a portion of Gamma to the user. It still does not cost Gamma to activate, and has a 1 minute cooldown.
o Brought the rank clearing and cost of Filtration into line with similar abilities from other mutation paths.
o Rebalanced Reconstruction, which remains the team resurrect ability, applying a heal to dead allies and then increasing their regeneration rates by a scaling value for 15 seconds. It differs from other resurrection abilities in two respects; its multi-target capacity and its modifying of all regeneration values rather than just health regeneration, albeit for a shorter time. Reduced its cooldown to 3 minutes.
o Reworked the values of Revitalize, increased its duration to 30 seconds, and reduced its cooldown to 5 seconds. The ability can be used on multiple teammates, but will not stack on the same target. This ability can be used on the move.
o Rebalanced the recovery values and cost of Self-Repair, which remains similar in functionality to before. Like Priority, it cannot be used on the move and targets only the user.
o Increased the range on Vital Osmosis and brought its use time and cooldown into line with other burst-style mutations heals. It retains similar functionality to its previous incarnation. It is a targeted heal that cannot be used on yourself. Movement interrupts the activation time.

o Reduced the health regeneration values of Accelerated Recovery slightly, though the power also now supplies a bonus to all save ratings for its 30 second duration. It has a short (3 second) cooldown, allowing it to be applied to multiple targets concurrently (though it does not stack).
o Added a 30 second health regeneration effect to Renew Consciousness.
o Reduced the maximum health bonuses of Ignore Pain somewhat, but the effect now also applies a health regeneration value for its increased 1 hour duration. It can be applied to other players, and it occupies the Primary Mutation buff channel.
o Changed Mind Over Matter to a toggled Secondary Mutation that increases the health regeneration and save ratings of all allies within its constant radius. This effect stacks with Accelerated Recovery. It devotes Gamma instead of costing it.
o Brought One Mind, No Affliction into line with other healing mutations. It now only affects one target, and its cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds.
o Rebalanced the damage values of Psionic Shock, reworked its gamma cost, and added its resist save (Mind) to the tooltip.

o Changed Antibody to a toggled Secondary Mutation that devotes gamma. The armor types that it modifies remain unchanged, but the numeric benefit has been lowered somewhat.
o Changed Debilitating Weakness to reduce Strength and Dexterity rather than Strength and Endurance and rebalanced its values and cost.
o Cleaned up Patient Zero to make it operate more smoothly. Changed the damage values and cost have changed in accord with new formulas. Increased the “burst” function to 8 meters from the target.
o Changed Sapping Sickness to reduce all regeneration rates on the target by a scaling value based on the new formulas and rebalanced its cost.
o Altered the values of the speed and Coordination debuffs for Shaking Plague slightly and rebalanced its cost.
o Changed Wracking Pains, which continues to be a targeted disease damage over time ability, but now also decreases save ratings. Rebalanced its damage value and cost and increased its cooldown to 30 seconds.

Thermal Control
o Rebalanced the cost of Cold Snap, which remains a snare and shares a channel with other snares. It also reduces Coordination by a scaling value.
o Rebalanced the overall effect values of Hypothermia, which remains a DoT ability, but now also includes a health and stamina regeneration debuff.
o Changed the name of Lighter Fluid to Napalm. All ranks apply a secondary armor debuff and a small fire DoT for the duration of the effect (down to 15 seconds) and have a 1 minute cooldown.
o Rebalanced the damage values of Molotov, which remains generally unchanged in functionality. Increased the cooldown to 30 seconds and the range to 10 meters.
o Changed the functionality of Regenerative Fever slightly. The instant cure effect remains in place and is stronger, and instead of an instant heal the ability applies a health regeneration buff for 30 seconds. Increased the cooldown to 2 minutes.
o Changed Scorching Rebuke to a toggled Primary Mutation that devotes a portion of gamma to supply the damaging shield effect.

o Changed Ambient Absorption to a toggled Secondary Mutation that continues to increase gamma regeneration, though it now devotes total gamma and improves secondary armor while active.
o Reworked Forced Restraint, which is now known as Kinetic Conservation. This mutation removes and prevents all snares from affecting the user for 15 seconds, in addition to boosting Dexterity and Coordination. The mutation has a two minute cooldown.
o Changed Kinetic Conservation (all ranks) slightly so that it only prevents snare effects of its own power level and below.
o Changed Kinetic Shield to a toggled Primary Mutation that devotes gamma and rebalanced its armor values.
o Rebalanced the damage values and cost of Repel.
o Reworked Kinetic Curtain, which is now known as Kinetic Backlash. This is a toggled damage-shield that devotes gamma.
o Reworked Alacrity, which is now known as Momentum Theft. It is a very close-range (5 meters) mutation attack that snares your victim and grants you a temporary speed boost.
o Corrected Storm of Steel’s armor debuffing property and reduced the DoT component to 37, down from 50.
o Changed Kinetic Shield (all ranks) to also increase tertiary armor.

o Reworked Convert Energy, which now drains stamina from a target within 10 meters and turns it into a short-duration health regeneration buff for the user. Rebalanced its cost.
o Reworked Energy Blitz so that the AoE function causes a 15 second psionic DoT rather than a large burst of damage. The cost has been rebalanced.
o Reworked Equalizer, which now reduces all regeneration rates, along with Strength and Dexterity. Rebalanced its cost.
o Changed Sap Stamina to that the beneficial effect increases the user’s stamina regeneration for 15 seconds. Streamlined its cost.
o Changed Siphon Energy to increase the user’s gamma regeneration for 30 seconds instead of recovering a large amount instantly. It continues to cost no gamma.
o Changed Denial from a self-targeted cure-all to an offensive mutation lockout. It overrides all Primary and Secondary Mutation effects on the target for 30 seconds, and sets their gamma regeneration to zero. Higher ranks are harder to resist than previous ranks (it uses the Mind save). Rebalanced its gamma cost.

Sonic Influence
o Reduced the armor stripping values of Devastating Shockwave slightly across most ranks and rebalanced its cost. Changed its armor debuff effects to share the same effect channel as other armor debuffs.
o Changed Equilibrium Shock so that it decreases speed and Perception for a short duration with a thirty second cooldown, and is now appropriately resistible by Reflex save. Rebalanced Its cost.
o Insulation is now a toggled Primary Mutation and has had its armor buffing values reduced substantially.
o Reduced the damage value of Rending Vibration, but the mutation now also reduces the victim’s health regeneration while it is active. Its cost has been rebalanced.
o Reduced the damage of Sonic Lance significantly. Rebalanced the armor debuff and gamma cost.
o Changed Catastrophic Dissonance from a damage plus stun to a regeneration and save rating debuff for 30 seconds. It is still a functioning point-blank area of effect mutation. Rebalanced its cost and reduced its cooldown to 2 minutes.
o Changed Sonic Lance to share the same effect channel as other armor debuffs.

o Changed Beast Might to a prepared melee attack that inflicts weapon damage, then increases the attacker’s Strength and stamina regeneration for a short time with a 30 second cooldown.
o Changed Feral Grip to a prepared melee attack that inflicts weapon damage and snares the target slightly, also reducing their Coordination by a scaling value for 9 seconds. It shares a channel with other snare-type effects. The mutation has a 30 second cooldown.
o Reworked Hawkeyem which is now known as Tough Hide. This is a gamma-devoting Primary Mutation which increases primary armor until toggled off.
o Reworked Longstride, which is now known as Primal Vigor. This is a prepared melee attack that deals weapon damage and increases your Endurance and health regeneration for 15 seconds afterwards. It has a 1 minute cooldown.
o Changed Missing Link to a toggled Primary Mutation that increases Coordination and Perception by greatly increased values from its previous incarnation.
o Changed the name of Wildheart to Tireless, which is now a toggled Secondary Mutation that increases your maximum Stamina and gamma regeneration until switched off. It devotes gamma instead of costing it, like other toggled mutations.

Capstone Abilities
· Reworked all capstone abilities to follow new formulas. Reworked channels where applicable. See below for individual changes on effects. All tooltips have been reworked to follow the new formulas and effect alterations. Gamma and Stamina costs have generally increased.
· Made Capstones available on special faction merchants within certain faction towns in Sector 3. They maintain the same faction requirements as before. The rewards from the missions they were originally tied to have been replaced with other rewards where applicable.
· Rebalanced the armor debuff of Armor Melting and added fire damage for its 15 second duration. Adjusted its gamma cost and reduced its range to 10 meters. Changed its armor debuff effects to share the same effect channel as other armor debuffs.
· Increased the range of Fatal Setup to 100 meters. It is not resistible
· Changed the requirements of Feral Mind from 164 Primal/Mutagenics to 164 Primal/Athletics. It is now a toggled Primary Mutation that increases armor against psionic damage and all save ratings until switched off. It devotes gamma rather than costing it.
· Changed Foresight to a toggled Primary Mutation. It continues to increase armor against ballistic attacks and Ranged Defense until toggled off, but the values have been reduced. It devotes gamma rather than costing it.
· Reworked Horse With No Name as Pale Horse, which requires 164 First Aid/Primal. It no longer buffs your mount, and is now a toggled Primary Mutation that increases your speed, health regeneration and stamina regeneration until switched off. It devotes gamma rather than costing it.
· Reworked Juggernaut as Nullification. This is now a 164 Rifle/Suppression prepared attack that shuts off all regeneration without a chance to resist.
· Reworked Last Ditch Effort slightly. It continues to resurrect dead teammates within 20 meters and applies a hefty health regeneration and defense buff for 30 seconds afterwards. Decreased its cooldown to 3 minutes.
· Changed On Wires to a Stance. While it is toggled on, the user gains a bonus to Melee and Ranged Defense and a 15% increase to speed.
· Reworked Scoundrel’s Strike into Shotgun Wedding, which requires 164 Pistol/Sonic. This is a pistol prepared attack that inflicts a sonic DoT and attempts to stun the target.
· Rebalanced Sharing the Light, which remains a team resurrection ability. It also increases health regeneration and primary armor for its 15 second duration.
· Reworked Shock Blast slightly. It is a pistol prepared attack that deals weapon damage and attempts to blast the initial target and all other targets within 5 meters with electrical damage which can be resisted.
· Reworked Short Fuse slightly and now requires 164 Thermal Control/Enhancement. Its fire damage has been heavily reduced and it only affects one target, but it now also reduces secondary armor on the target for 30 seconds.
· Rebalanced Skullcrusher, which remains similar in basic function, dealing initial sonic damage (which has been reduced) and a psionic DoT (which has been slightly increased).
· Reworked Spider’s Fang as Pack Mentality, which is a 164 Primal/Group Tactics aura effect that increases defenses, Strength, and Dexterity while teammates are within the area of effect.
· Reworked Storm of Steel slightly. It is now a melee prepared attack that inflicts weapon damage, then causes all victims within 5 meters of that target to have primary armor debuffed and take heavy slashing damage for a short duration, which is resistible. Changed its armor debuff effects to share the same effect channel as other armor debuffs.
· Reworked Thundershot slightly. It now inflicts weapon damage rather than a flat value and its stun is appropriately resistible. Increased its effective range.
· Reworked Tune Up into Seal the Gap, which requires 164 Nano-Manipulation/Armor Use. It is a toggled Primary Mutation that devotes gamma, increasing both secondary and tertiary armor values while it remains active.
· Reworked Vile Strike slightly to deal weapon damage and then attempt to inflict a resistible disease DoT for 15 seconds.
· Planned changes for the Vista Dodge/Primal capstone, which is currently called Animal Instinct on the test server. In a future version, it will be Pack Mentality, a Group Tactics/Primal capstone. Animal Instinct is currently underbalanced and not intended to portray the final version of the ability.

· Reworked all items that grant beneficial effects with a duration. Formulas and channels should now be consistent across all such items, from enhanced armor to food and drink to medicine and science buff items. As before, you should only be able to have one food and one drink item active at a time (any more is a bug and should be reported as such). Medicine items (such as pills), Science items (such as boosters), Mutagenics items, or Nature items with any manner of lasting benefit now occupy the Consumable Item channel of effects, so that you may only have one running at any given time. To compensate, the effects of many of these items may have been individually increased. Any reduction in an effect that you notice is due to its being rebalanced with new formulas.
· Changed the channel of all camps to ensure that they do not conflict with anything else.
· Changed all food and drink to use unique channels, to prevent any future conflicts.
· Assigned all Medicine items that supply a lasting buff to the Consumable Item channel.
· Updated all Medicine items that apply an instant effect to share a 1 minute cooldown with all other beneficial consumable items from any tradeskill category.
· Changed the Citizen’s Herbal Remedies and reduced their Body save bonus to 8 for 1 hour in keeping with new scaling.
· Increased the benefit of the Corporal’s PEDs slightly.
· Decreased the benefits of the Racketeer’s and Desperado’s Med Kits in keeping with new scaling.
· Reduced the rank cure of the Crude Disease, Poison and Radiation Treatments and Coagulants to 3, down from 4.
· Decreased the armor bonuses granted from Crude, Impure, and Average qualities of Poison, Disease, and Radiation Resistance drugs slightly.
· Increased the rank cure of the Impure Disease, Poison and Radiation Treatments and Coagulants to 7, up from 6.
· Reworked all Disease, Poison, and Radiation Remedies. These drugs now apply a short duration (15 second) chaining effect that attempts to remove these effects every 5 seconds.
· Reworked all Emitter type items so that they properly apply to all groups. Their effects were also rebalanced to account for new formulas.
· Increased the damage over time component of the Impure Viral Bomb to 17, up from 15.
· Decreased the duration of the damage over time effect from both Crude and Impure Viral Bombs.
· Increased the benefit of all Pain Killers slightly.
· Increased the effects (both beneficial and malign) of all Healing Drugs slightly.
· Reworked all Stimulant Doses slightly. Their stamina restoration has been increased, but they apply a penalty to health regeneration for 30 seconds after used.
· Reworked all Adrenal Doses slightly. Their health restoration has been increased, and their stamina draining effect was reduced.
· Reduced the instant healing value of MediGrafts and StimSurges very slightly.
· Made some very minor numeric changes to Antiseptic Foams.
· Reduced the speed penalty of Localized Anesthesia Drugs. They are also now properly resistible (Body save) and share a channel with other snares.
· Reworked Resuscitation Kits to prevent them from becoming unusable, and increased their health restoration values.
· Changed Bone Guns to make them more reliable, but their effects remain the same.
· Increased the Coordination penalty of General Anesthesia Kits. Decreased their Body save rating debuff, which is now properly resistible (Reflexes save).
· Turned the instant health regeneration of Splint Packs into proper health regeneration values. They all now consistently reduce speed by 25% while active, but can be removed.
· Increased the Strength bonus of the Neural Stabilizer to 14, up from 6.
· Reduced the rank cure value of Crater Weed Salve to 3, down from 4.
· Increased the primary armor benefit of Liquid Armoring Solution to 814, up from 540.
· Increased the health regeneration value of Eagle Mac’s Healing Salve to 23, up from 13.
· Assigned all Mutagenics items that supply a lasting buff to the Consumable Item channel.
· Reduced the gamma regeneration values of Gamma Converters. They no longer drain health, but instead impose a small penalty to health regeneration over their 30 second duration.
· Changed Gamma Drainers to impede the target’s gamma regeneration for 30 seconds. They are properly resistible (Mind save).
· Increased the effects of Gamma Maximizers slightly.
· Rebalanced the gamma regeneration values of Gamma Restorers for their 1 hour duration.
· Increased the benefit of the Ativistic Strength Mutation to 10, up from 4.
· Increased the benefit of the Erudite Willpower Mutation to 11, up from 5.
· Decreased the armor value granted by the Disease Blocking Pheromone to 243, down from 650.
· Decreased the armor values granted by the Psychic Stabilizer Mutation and Sonic Diffusion Mutation to 269, down from 650.
· Assigned all Nature and Science items that supply a lasting buff to the Consumable Item channel, and altered them to prepare them for a future balancing pass.
· Corrected the tooltip on the Race Horse Bridle to display the appropriate value of Fuel Efficiency (which is 375).
· Removed the erroneous display of charges on the Rockhound’s Loupe Visor and the Loot Hunter’s Loupe Visor.
· Corrected the Attribute Required for the Debilitating Weakness 6 Injector to require Patho-Transmission 147 instead of 127.
· Changed the effect of the Apprentice’s Grenade, increasing its Area of Effect from 0 cm to 500 cm.
· Changed the recipe for Racketeer’s Med Kits 1 and reduced its field and facility construction times. Added a skill requirement of level 25 to the Racketeer’s Med Kit.
· Changed the recipe for Desperado’s Med Kits and reduced its field and facility construction times. Added a skill requirement of Level 45 to the Desperado’s Med Kit, and changed maximum charges from 0 to 1.
· Changed the recipe for Corporal’s PEDs and reduced the field and facility construction times. Added a skill requirement of Level 35 to the Corporal’s PEDs.
· Changed the model of the M-Croall Grizzly 9 to a non-bloodstained model that includes a scope.
· Corrected the Camouflage Pants and the Savage Leg Guard to no longer apply a -15 Melee Defense penalty.
· Corrected the Deadfall Model v56 from -15 Melee Defense to -30 Melee Defense.
· Corrected the Vista Citizen’s Sniper Rifle, Vista Learner’s Sniper Rifle, Vista Sniper Rifle, and Vista Trustee Sniper Rifle from -15 Melee Defense to -60 Melee Defense.
· Increased the range and ballistic damage of Hans Iller’s Rifle and changed it to use Heavy Rifle Ammo rather than Light Rifle Ammo.
· Changed the Shellslammer Crossbow to have -60 Melee Defense rather than -15 Melee Defense.
· Changed the Enforcer Recruit Battle Rifle from -60 Melee Defense to -30 Melee Defense. Changed the Enforcer Trainee Battle Rifle. the Enforcer Guard Battle Rifle, the Enforcer Corporal Battle Rifle, and the Enforcer Sergeant Battle Rifle from -15 Melee Defense to -30 Melee Defense.
· Made the Vehicle Battery Manual tradeable.
· Reduced the skill requirement for the Average Resuscitation Kit from Level 55 to Level 45.
· Changed the recipe for the Gamma Manipulation 3 Text to require the Mutagenics toolkit rather than the Science toolkit.
· Changed the Apprentice’s Grenade effect to no longer knock down its target, and restricted its effect to Line of Sight.
· Increased the stack count of the recipe for Acolyte’s Regen Tea from 3 to 5. Changed the recipe and reduced its field and facility construction times. Increased its cost from 310 chips to 341 chips and sdded a level requirement of 35 to the item. Decreased the duration of the effect, changed it to block the drink channel, and added an animation to its use.
· Changed the cost of the GA-19 HP Mk2 .45 from 120266 chips to 12066 chips.
· Changed the Chemical Coated Plant Material to stack in 100s rather than 10s. Changed the number allowed from 10 to 1000. Changed the cost from 1 to 85 and made it tradable and sellable. It also now functions as Impure Botanic Chemical.
· Changed Prairie Chicken Eggs to stack to 100.
· Corrected the blast effect from the Omega Arms Valkyrie so that the user can no longer become immune to the effect.

· All items that grant beneficial effects with a duration have been reworked. Formulas and slot blockers should now be consistent across all such items, from enhanced armor to food and drink to medicine and science buff items. As before, you should only be able to have food and drink item active at a time (any more is a bug and should be reported as such). Medicine items (such as pills), Science items (such as boosters), Mutagenics items, or Nature items with any manner of lasting benefit now occupy the Consumable Item channel of effects, so that you may only have running at any given time. To compensate, the effects of many of these items may have been individually increased. Any reduction in effect that you notice is due to its being rebalanced with new formulas.
Corrected the attack speed of the GlobalTech SBS Mk 1 shotgun to 1 second.

o All camps have had their channel changed to ensure that they do not conflict with anything else.

o Changed all food and drink to use unique channels, to prevent any future conflicts.

o All Medicine items that supply a lasting buff now occupy the Consumable Item channel.
o All Medicine items that apply an instant effect share a 1 minute cooldown with all other beneficial consumable items from any tradeskill category.
o Changed the Citizen’s Herbal Remedies and reduced their Body save bonus to 8 for 1 hour in keeping with new scaling.
o Increased the benefit of the Corporal’s PEDs slightly.
o Decreased the benefits of the Racketeer’s and Desperado’s Med Kits in keeping with new scaling.
o Reduced the rank cure of the Crude Disease, Poison and Radiation Treatments and Coagulants to 3, down from 4.
o Decreased the armor bonuses granted from Crude, Impure, and Average qualities of Poison, Disease, and Radiation Resistance drugs slightly.
o Increased the rank cure of the Impure Disease, Poison and Radiation Treatments and Coagulants to 7, up from 6.
o Reworked all Disease, Poison, and Radiation Remedies. These drugs now apply a short duration (15 second) chaining effect that attempts to remove these effects every 5 seconds.
o Reworked all Emitter type items so that they properly apply to all groups. Their effects were also rebalanced to account for new formulas.
o Increased the damage over time component of the Impure Viral Bomb to 17, up from 15.
o Decreased the duration of the damage over time effect from both Crude and Impure Viral Bombs.
o Increased the benefit of all Pain Killers slightly.
o Increased the effects (both beneficial and malign) of all Healing Drugs slightly.
o Reworked all Stimulant Doses slightly. Their stamina restoration has been increased, but they apply a penalty to health regeneration for 30 seconds after used.
o Reworked all Adrenal Doses slightly. Their health restoration has been increased, and their stamina draining effect was reduced.
o Reduced the instant healing value of MediGrafts and StimSurges very slightly.
o Made some very minor numeric changes to Antiseptic Foams.
o Localized Anesthesia Drugs were reworked slightly. Their speed penalty was reduced, they are now properly resistible (Body save) and share a channel with other snares.
o Resuscitation Kits were reworked slightly to prevent them from becoming unusable, and their health restoration values were increased slightly.
o Bone Guns were changed slightly to make them more reliable, but their effects remain unchanged.
o General Anesthesia Kits had their Coordination penalty increased. Their Body save rating debuff has decreased and is now properly resistible (Reflexes save).
o Splint Packs have had their instant health restoration chunks turned into proper health regeneration values. They all now consistently reduce speed by 25% while active, but can be removed.
o The Strength bonus of the Neural Stabilizer has been increased to 14, up from 6.
o Crater Weed Salve has had its rank cure value reduced to 3, down from 4.
o Liquid Armoring Solution has had its primary armor benefit increased to 814, up from 540.
o Eagle Mac’s Healing Salve has had its health regeneration value increased to 23, up from 13.

o All Mutagenics items that supply a lasting buff now occupy the Consumable Item channel.
o Gamma Converters have had their gamma regeneration values reduced somewhat. They no longer drain health, but instead impose a small penalty to health regeneration over their 30 second duration.
o Gamma Drainers now impede the target’s gamma regeneration for 30 seconds, and are properly resistible (Mind save).
o Gamma Maximizers have had their effects increased slightly.
o Gamma Restorers have had their gamma regeneration values rebalanced for their 1 hour duration.
o Increased the benefit of the Ativistic Strength Mutation to 10, up from 4.
o Increased the benefit of the Erudite Willpower Mutation to 11, up from 5.
o Decreased the armor value granted by the Disease Blocking Pheromone to 243, down from 650.
o Decreased the armor values granted by the Psychic Stabilizer Mutation and Sonic Diffusion Mutation to 269, down from 650.

o All Nature items that supply a lasting buff now occupy the Consumable Item channel, and have received some alterations to prepare them for a future balancing pass.

o All Science items that supply a lasting buff now occupy the Consumable Item channel, and have received some alterations to prepare them for a future balancing pass.

Sector One
· Moved a bench moved forward to prevent it being clicked on through the wall at an encounter area.

Clinton FARM
o Moved some logs that were intersecting with a tent.
o Converted “Attending” to a Use Item mission.

Depot 66
o Raised a dirt road to meet the train tracks.

Embry Crossroads
o Fixed some misaligned monorail support columns.
o Removed a bookshelf that was blocking access to back rooms of Armorcraft facility.
o Changed the minimum level requirement to 7 and target level to 10 for the mission “Kingman Express.”
o Fixed the waypoint of the mission “No Quarrel with You.”

o Pulled a sign out of building.
o Changed the title of the mission “Blood Simple, part 2” to “Blood Simple.”
o Assigned the missions “Mother Board’s Documentation” and “Midway to Legitimacy” equitable rewards.

o Fixed some floating objects.

o Adjusted a scavenging node so that it no longer spawns inside a rock.
o Adjusted a scavenging node so that it no longer spawns underground.

North Burb
o Changed the mission “Disrupted” to refer to coyotes instead of hermit crabs.

o Raised a swing set that was sinking into the terrain.
o Fixed a misaligned door.
o Adjusted a guard’s position so that he doesn’t block a stairway outside the mine.
o Renamed the Zombies that spawn with the mission “Zombies in Hot Pursuit” to Frenzied Diggers.
o Changed the PC minimum level to 7 and target level to 10 for mission “Bank Transfer.”
o Clarified the text of the mission “Invade Your Space.”
o Tweaked the XP of the mission series “Lifenet Username and Password” in accord with its repeatable nature.

o Lowered some floating objects.
o Changed the minimum level requirement to 7 and target level to 10 for mission “The Kingman Premium.”

Old Kingman
o Adjusted the placement of several objects.

Old Kingman Prison
o Removed the ladders from the guard towers.

o Fixed the repetitive greeting string in the mission “Offense is the Best Defense.”

Rest Stop
o Moved a grill that was intersecting with a tent.
Reyes Mine
o Adjusted a scavenge node so that it no longer spawns under a bus.
o Removed the NPC named Orson White from Reyes Mine #4 and deprecated all of the missions he offered.

o Adjusted a scavenging node so that it no longer spawns underground.

South Burb
o Moved some objects inside a tent that were clipping through to the outside.

o Lowered a dirt mound to a reasonable level.
o Adjusted a scavenging node so that it no longer spawns underground.

o Lowered some floating debris.
o Added treasure drops to Mayhew’s Men.

o Fixed a floating dump truck.
o Fixed a hole in the world on the airstrip.
o Adjusted the position of a generator so that Scavenger Warriors will no longer spawn under the floor of a house.

Sector Two
· Moved a tent that was clipping through a clutter rock.

o Realigned a floating tree with the terrain.
o Adjusted the faction values of the CHOTA Wrangler, Lightbearer Crusader, Tech Poacher, and the Traveler Confidence Man.

Bug Farm
o Reduced find Item mission requirements by 50% for the following missions.
§ “Free Range Stinkbug”
§ “Putting Out Feelers”
§ “Tastier than Stinkbug”
§ “Blind Taste Test”
§ “Arachni –Die”
§ “Arachni-Dammit”

Devon Township
o Fixed a misaligned door.

The Dump
o Moved the target escort location for all versions of the mission “No Negotiation Necessary” and made it chain to the follow-up bounty hunter mission “The Thrill of the Chase.”
o Updated all versions of “The Thrill of the Chase” to use the definite paths for the target rather than random ones.
o Removed the repeated reference to the Dump in the story text of the mission “Take Your Best Shot.”

o Updated the mission “Breaking the Lawmen,” since the target no longer exists. Players will be able to click “complete” upon taking this mission, but that is all.
o Moved the waypoint closer for the mission “Arachni Die.”

o Reduced find Item mission requirements by 50% for the missions “Within the Woods” and “Wood Packs a Punch.”
o Updated the third step of the mission “Within the Woods” so that you must collect items dropped from local creepers rather than a crafted item.

o Lowered some floating objects.
o Adjusted some text in step three of the mission series “Looming Threat” to better reflect the goals of the mission.

Hollister Point
o Reduced find Item mission requirements by 50% for the following missions.
§ “Feed the Worms” steps one and two
§ “Careful Cultivation” steps one and two
§ “Digging at the Roots” steps one and two
§ “A Better Crop” steps one and two
§ “A Solder’s Duties” steps one and two
§ “Bringing Light to the Dark” steps one and two
§ “Down a Peg”
§ “Down Another Peg”
§ “Paucity of Paper” steps one and two
§ “Metal”
§ “More Metal”
§ “Installing New Stalls”
§ “Installing More Stalls”
o Fixed the Devil’s Own Gun Racks that looked like portable generators when spawned by CHOTA taking control of the town. They should look like gun racks now and no longer count for the Vista mission “Degenerate.”
o Reduced the number of kills required for “Pick off the Pickets” from 10 to 5.
o Swapped out the treasure on all of the different varieties of Devil’s Own so that they now drop Scrap Paper.
o Updated the waypoint for the Bug Farm mission “Tastier than Stinkbug” and added more Northfields Creepers to that area.

Kristo’s Rest
o Fixed the level map fixed for the nearby caves.
o Fixed a typo in the third step of the “Hot Under the Collar” mission chain.
o Fixed a typo in the story text for the first step of the mission series “Blood Under Fingernails.”
o Updated the mission “Test of Skill” to use assigned paths to the target rather than random ones.

New Flagstaff
o Added stairs to a house near New Flagstaff. This fixed several floating object issues as well.
o Removed a rock that was intersecting with a porch.
o Fixed a misaligned door.
o Rebalanced the requirements and rewards of the mission “Road to Reconstruction.”
o Modified the sixth step of the mission series “Provident Elixir” so it’s offered by Cantata Maxwell at the Lost City rather than Hastings Beauville in town.

New Gallows
o Added missions in all Sector Two faction towns to send players to the New Gallows faction camps.
o Lowered some floating sandbags.

o Turned a bench 180 degrees so players can sit on it normally.

Picus Ridge
o Adjusted some scavenging nodes so that they no longer spawn underground.
o Streamlined the story text of the mission “Pathogenesis.”

Post 23
o Moved a gun rack that was intersecting with a tent.

Pump House Road
o Adjusted a harvest node so that it no longer spawns underground.

Sunshine Corners
o Adjusted some geology nodes so that they no longer spawn underground.
o Corrected the waypoint for the mission “Major League 2.”

o Updated the missions “Tinkersdam Blockade,” “Killing Polluters,” and “War and Drugs II” so that the paths to the target are no longer random.
o Changed the location on the mission “Their Own Medicine” so that it does not require the player to enter the Enforcer camp.
o Lowered the goal time to 60 seconds for the mission “I’ll Take the Low Road.”
o Edited the reward text of the mission “Attention… With Guns” so that it no longer specifies a number of attackers.
o Altered the greeting, story, and reward text of the mission “Computer Reconstruction” to clarify the story behind it.
o Fixed the Northfields Lemon so that it also counts as a Small Lemon.
o Removed a painting and bench from the outside of a building.
o Raised a house and the objects inside in Tinkersdam.

o Fixed step two of the mission series “Let Me Check our Stock” so that there is an object to use once more.
o Changed the mission “Downsizing the Informants” to target a different enemy.
o Changed the text of the mission “To Save our Town We Need Armor” to reflect different ways of obtaining the items needed.
o Updated the mission “Bullet Point: Regime Change” to use definite paths rather than random ones.
o Converted “Break Through the Clutter” from a raid with NPCs to a defend mission.
o Updated the NPC Ahmet Zarif so that he does not offer missions assigned to other NPCs.
o Pulled out signs that were intersecting with a wall.

Sector Three

Banker’s Hole
o Removed objects removed from a bench so the player no longer clips through them when sitting.
o Moved a floating car.
o Lowered a floating house.
o Excluded trees near the buildings to keep them from clipping through the walls.

Black Hill
o Raised a sunken fire above the terrain.

o Lowered a floating shack and removed a nearby chair to prevent clipping.
o Separated some intersecting barrels.

o Fixed a misaligned door.

Credit Bend
o Tweaked the story text for the mission “Long and Dismal Fast” to clarify the bears’ location.
o Corrected Gil and Rufus’s conversation so that Gil doesn’t refer to Rufus as Gil.
o Adjusted Ron Carter’s tent so that the poles no longer go through his head.
o Fixed a typo in the fourth step of the “Between the Lines” mission series.

o Fixed multiple floating objects.

Docuer’s Court
o Corrected the waypoints for the fourth step of the mission series “Victim of Change” and the third step of the “Loose Change” series.

Fender Gate
o Fixed some trees that were clipping into a building.

o Lowered some floating assets.
o Lowered a floating tree.

Hive of the Changed
o Optimized pathing in the level near Slaith.

Last Stop
o Fixed a mismatched road texture.

o Lowered some floating debris.
o Fixed a misaligned door.

o Lowered floating lanterns.
o Corrected the waypoint for the mission “Fueling the Fire.”
o Adjusted a geology node so that it no longer spawns inside a house.

Park City
o Rebalanced missions, increased target levels, and made mobs more challenging.
o Lowered some floating barrels.
o Lowered a floating building.
o Replaced a turned-over electrical tower with a broken one.
o Fixed some floating objects in the Zealous Judges encounter area.

o Removed a misplaced road flare.
o Fixed some floating rubble.
o Lowered the floating steps on the nearby gallows.
o Fixed a floating telephone pole.

o Lowered a floating truck.
o Fixed an uneven road.

Trader’s Flat
o Fixed a typo in the reward string of the mission “Let Slip the Dogs of Fitzwarin.”
o Changed the third step of the mission chain “Claim of Acclaim” so that it cleans up the mission item involved in the mission (bug #59136)

o Fixed a place where the ground was coming through in the Construction Workshop.
o Fixed the text of the mission “Infectious, not Contagious” to reference the right NPC.
o Fixed a broken merchant head.

Waste Farm
o Catastrophe! As all of the factions warned, the Benedicts screwed up and caused an underground explosion in the methane plant. This has altered the terrain of Waste Farm, causing the farmers and the Cartwrights to flee the town as the ground is slowly poisoned. There is an unexpected benefit to this disaster, however, as it has been discovered that the ooze seeping up from the ground has the potential to be a powerful mutagenic agent.
o Added new repeatable missions to gather the mutagenic agent for your faction.
o Changed the tier gather missions so that you’re gathering the mutagenic agent to increase the Construction, Merchant, or Guard tiers.
o Added new non-repeatable missions in the faction camps.
o Added new non-repeatable missions available when a faction takes the town.
o Deactivated the following missions. Players can still complete them simply by clicking “Complete.”
§ “A Less Explosive Export”
§ “Seizing Power”
§ “Dangerous Game”
§ “Powering the Economy”
§ “Chasing the Dragon”
§ “A Useful Technology”
§ “Vista Tech”
§ “Fuel for Destruction”
§ “Filling in the Blanks”
§ “Logistical Strategy”
§ “Gas Bandits”
§ “Good Works”
§ “It’s a Mirage”
§ It’s Sabotage”
§ “Pilferin’ Pamphlets”
§ “Powerless Children”
§ “Green Energy”
§ “Stupid Tech Tricks”
§ “In Force”
§ “Not So Bright”
§ “A Desperate Attempt”
§ “No More Ills”
§ “Missing Rendezvous”
§ “Keeping Them Warm”
§ “Stew for a Rat”
§ “Fuel Exchange”
§ “Trade for Notes”
o Altered items for the above missions so that they can either be used in crafting or are sellable.
o Reduced the size of the PvP zone to only encompass the area covered by the Waste Farm conflict town.
o Updated all the repeatable missions to kill Benedict Thugs so there are three different types of Benedicts to kill (Workers, Security, and Researchers). Which ones count for the player’s mission is based on faction. This also addresses an issue that Enforcers could kill Benedict Thugs in an instance for control points.
o Fixed an uneven patch of road.

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