Ark’s guide to low level Cultivation and Apothecary in Warhammer

Update: For an up to date version of this guide, see here.

I see many things in my log files. I can see what google searches bring people here, and one I’ve seen a lot of are questions about seeds and apothecary. There’s hardly any information out there about them at the moment, but as luck would have it I’m a compulsive note-taker. Here then, as a public service, is everything I’ve figured out. It’ll be a work in progress, and I should probably move it to a page, rather than a post when I have time to fiddle. This should be enough to let people make slightly more rational decisions about what to keep and throw out. And hey, if you have any questions, about pretty much anything, feel free to ask in the comments here, and I’ll always try to find the answer.

These are all the seeds and spores I have found thus far. I am sure there are others out there. If you happen to play Order on the Makaison server, and have any seeds not listed, I would love them, all in the name of research! The 25 skill green ones make better potions than the skill 1 whites.

The rare seeds can be occasionaly be looted, and can also result from a lucky cultivation of their commoner counterpart. The rare plant will produce a more powerful potion than the common plant.

In the list below, the first item is the seed, along with cultivation skill required, followed by the result of cultivating, and the apothecary skill required to make use of it.

These make a one shot fiery AOE cone attack. Somewhat useful in RvR.
Smoking Ashberry Seed (1 White): Smoking Ashberry (1 White): Flaming Breath concoctions
Sallow Ashberry Seed (1 White Rare): Sallow Ashberry(1 White): Flaming Breath concoctions
Charred Ashberry Seed (25 Green): Charred Ashberry (25 Green): Flaming Breath concoctions

Wispy Beardweed Seed(1 White Shop):Wispy Beardweed (1 White) Strength Concoctions
Crimson Beardweed Seed (1 White Rare): Crimson Beardweed (1 White): Strength Concoctions
Brittle Beardweed Seed (25 Green) Brittle Beardweed(25 Green): Strength Concoctions
Rosy Beardweed Seed (25 Green Rare): Rosy Beardweed (25 Green) Strength Concoctions

Swaying Dandedragon Seed (1 White): Swaying Dandedragon (1 White): Energy concoction
Willowy Dandedragon (1 White Rare): Willowy Dandedragon (1 White): Energy Concoction
Capering Dandedragon Seed (25 Green): Capering Dandedragon (25 Green): Energy concoction

Elvish Parsley
Healing Concoctions are instant healing. Restoration concoctions are healing over time.
Musty Elvish Parsley Seed(1 White Shop):Musty Elvish Parsley (1 White): Restoration Concoctions
Short-Stemmed Elvish Parsley Seed(1 White Quest): Musty Elvish Parsley (1 White), and seems to always give you the seed back.
Trenchant Elvish Parsley Seed (1 White Rare): Trenchant Elvish Parsley (1 White): Healing Concoction
Bitter Elvish Parsley Seed(25 Green): Bitter Elvish Parsley: Restoration Concoction
Probing Elvish Parsley Seed (25 Green): Probing Elvish Parsley (25 Green): Healing Concoctions

Dusty Fusk Spore(1 White Shop):Dusty Fusk (1 White) increase number of concoctions made
Dappled Fusk Spore (25 Green): Dappled Fusk (25 Green Uncommon): increase number of concoctions made
Sandy Fusk spore (25 Green): Sandy Fusk (25 Green): increase number of concoctions made

Callous Gobswort Spore(1 White Shop):Callous Gobswort (1 White) makes concoction effects last longer
Scabrous Gobswort Spore(25 Green):Scabrous Gobswort (25 Green): makes concoction effects last longer
Blue-specked Gobswort Spore (1 White Rare):Blue-Specked gobswort (1 White “Uncommon”) makes concoction effects last longer
Grey-specked Gobswort Spore (25 Green Rare):Grey-Specked gobswort (25 Green “Uncommon”) makes concoction effects last longer

Goldweeds are ingredients in the production of gold for talismans.
Prickly Goldweed Seed (1 White): Prickly Goldweed: (1 White Shop)
Glinting Goldweed Seed (15 White): Glinting Goldweed (25 White)
Spiny Goldweed Seed (25 White): Spiny Goldweed (50 White)

Gravelnuts are an anomaly. The plant states that it makes corporeal resistance potions, but in fact it seems to make toughness ones.
Pebbled Gravelnuts Seed(1 White):Pebbled Gravelnuts(1 White): Toughness Concoctions
Jagged Gravelnut Seed (25 Green):Jagged Gravelnuts (25 Green): Toughness Concoctions


Petulant Grumpleaf Seed(1 White): Tetulant Grumpleaf (1 White):Willpower concoctions
Frowning Grumpleaf Seed (25 Green): Frowning Grumpleaf (25 Green) : Willpower concoctions

Wispy Morrweed Seed(1 White):Wispy Morrweed (1 White): Armour Concoctions
Steepled Morrweed Seed (1 White (Rare)): Steepled Morrweed (1 White)Damage Absorbing Concoctions
Brittle Morrweed Seed (25 Green): Brittle Morrweed (25 Green): Armouring Concoctions
Domed Morrweed Seed (25 Green Rare): Domed Morrweed (25 Green): Damage Absorbing Concoctions

Pyre Ivy
These make a one shot single target fire DoT. Again maybe useful in PvP if you run out of action points.
Smoking Pyre Ivy Seed(1 White):Smoking Pyre Ivy (1 White): Fiery Concoctions
Charred Pyre Ivy Seed (25 Green): Charred Pyre Ivy (25 Green): Fiery Concoctions

Green Shorenuts Seed (1 White (Rare?)):Green Shorenuts(1 White): Corporeal Resistance Concoction
Brown shorenuts Seed (25 Green): Brown Shorenuts (25 Green): Corporeal Resistance Concoction

Motley Smedleycap Spore(1 White Shop):Motley Smedleycap(1 White): Intelligence Concoctions
Blotchy Smedleycap spore (25 Green): Blotchy Smedleycap (25 Green): Intelligence Concoctions

Thief’s Nettle
“Accuracy” concoctions in fact increase ballistic skill.
Woolly Thiefs Nettle Seed(1 White Shop): Woolly Thief’s Nettle (1 White): Accuracy Concoctions
Short-Haired Thief’s Nettle Seed (1 White Rare): Short-Haired Thief’s Nettle(1 white): Accuracy concoction
Wiry Thief’s Nettle Seed (25 Green): Wiry Thief’s Nettle (25 Green): Accuracy Concoction

Update: This guide now has its own page (as opposed to just being a blog post), and will only be updated there.

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