The Newbie Blogger Initiative!!

Lo, for on this day the MMOsphere has been overtaken by posts announcing the beginning of the Newbie Blogger Initiative. For the next month, many more-or-less established gaming bloggers will be trying to encourage and guide the next wave of eager writers!

We bloggers may appear as giants, striding across the web striking down all who oppose us with our vorpal opinions+1. Or we might just seem a bit noisy and annoying. Either way, it’s right easy to set your own site up and share in the fun. While I’m running a self-hosted WordPress install, you can do just as well with any of the free hosted options such as, Bloggr, or even Tumblr!

Where you choose to host your blog isn’t really that important. All you need are some words worth reading, and I guarantee that you have some of those, even if you might not have found them yet. Toddle along to the NBI’s forum, where bloggers young and old are gathering to share in the mysteries of our ancient art.

At the moment, I’m a rather horrible example, as I’ve not really been posting terribly much, devoting most of my output to various podcasts instead. So you’d be far better off absorbing the wisdom of some of the other folks that are participating. Nevertheless, I am happy to answer any questions that you might have, be it here in the comments section, or on Twitter, where you can find me at @Arkenor. I’m also signed up to write a proper advice post some time this month, and it might even get written.

Til then, write what you know, what you love, and what you believe to be true.

NBI Sponsor Blogs: Games and Geekery, The Wild Boar Inn, MMO Fallout, Tastes Like Battle Chicken, Grimnir’s Grudge, Roll One Hundred, Dragonchasers, Ardwulf’s Lair, Inventory Full, Jaded Alt, Ark’s Ark, Tremayne’s Law, Blog de la Burro, Just One MMOre, DocHoliday’s MMO Saloon, High Latency Life, MMO Gamer Chick, Skycandy,, Hunter’s Insight, Life is a Mind Bending Puzzle, Berath’s Brain Burps, Epic Slant, Bullet Points, Professor Beej, Journeys with Jaye, Screaming Monkeys, Welcome to Spinksville, Vicarious Existence, Casual is as Casual Does, Star Shadow, I Have Touched The Sky, The Ancient Gaming Noob, Just One More Unlock, A Ding World, Yeebo Fernbottom’s MMO Love In, Stropp’s World, Kill Ten Rats, The Jedi Gambit, Beau Hindman, Blue Kae, Gankalicious, Live Like a Nerd, Casual Stroll to Mordor, Tish Tosh Tesh, Casting a Shaddoe, A Green Mushroom, ALT:ernative, Parallel Context, ETCmmo, Avatars of Steel, Tales of the Aggronaut, West Karana, Contains Moderate Peril, The Stories of O, Levelcapped, LOTRO Fashion, Mr. Meh’s Supplication, Malchome’s Mind/Restokin, Nerdy Bookahs, T.R. Red Skies,

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