LOTRO: Rise of Isengard – The White Wizard approaches.

Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us! Ahhh, too late!!!


New Digital Expansion to The Lord of the Rings Onlineâ„¢ Launching Fall 2011

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment unveiled today The Lord of the Rings Onlineâ„¢: Rise of Isengardâ„¢, the latest expansion to the award-winning free-to-play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by Turbine. Rise of Isengard will expand the online world of Middle-earth where players will join forces to press further eastward into the legendary region of Isengard. Rise of Isengard will be available for purchase in the LOTRO Store in the Fall of 2011 with an increased level cap, the new region of Isengard including the legendary tower of Orthanc, enhancements to monster play and much more!

“2010 has been a year of unprecedented growth for The Lord of the Rings Online with our successful introduction of a free-to-play option for our players,” said Kate Paiz, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online. “This is going to be another outstanding year for the game as we progress on our journey toward Mordor and it all begins with our upcoming November update. The journey will carry through 2011 ending with our arrival in the epic region of Isengard where players will confront the raging war and shadow that has spread across Middle-earth.”


* Experience the Rise of Isengard – The Epic Story continues as the Grey Company makes its way south into Dunland, but troubles arise as their road takes them into lands where Dunlending forces, marshaled by the Wizard Saruman, prepare for war. The Rangers must seek new allies and face dangerous new foes, chief among them the traitor Saruman, whose web of intrigue threatens to endanger your quest, your friends, and your life.

* Increased Level Cap — Players will be able advance their characters up to level 70, gaining access to new traits, virtues, skills and class quests.

* Expanded Monster Play – LOTRO’s monster play system will get a major revamp including opening up the feature to all players, changes to monster player skills and advancement and a brand new region for players to battle for or against the forces of evil.

Autumn 2011 feels like an age away. I’m a little surprised, as I thought the F2P system would encourage the release of smaller chunks of content as often as possible, rather than a large expansion in a year’s time. Perhaps we’ll see other new content appear in the meantime. In any case, after spending so long battling Sharkey’s boys, I shall be looking forward to bearding the lion in his own den!

Hooom…. and then mayhap to Fangorn? But let us not be hasty.

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