STO: In which I rush to defeat the Devidians

Phase 6 of Rift’s Beta starts today, with some major changes.

However, I’m not going to be playing Rift today because Star Trek Online’s 3rd Feature Episode series, focusing on the Romulans, begins tomorrow. Once that happens, the special end reward from the second series, the Ophidian Cane, will no longer be awarded, so I need to deal with those pesky Devidians tonight. Not because I particularly need the cane, nice though it is, but I can never stand to miss out on time-limited items!

It does look interesting though. Hard to tell exactly how useful it’ll be without trying it out against some unsuspecting evil-doers.

Star Trek Online Ophidian Cane Stats

Theoretically we have until 10 am PST on the 5th of February, but I don’t think I want to cut it quite that fine. I’ve already done the first episode, so I just need to finish the last 4 this evening. Should be no problem.

Star Trek Online Anniversary Klingon Q 600x341

Star Trek Online's Anniversary is still in full flow!

Update: It turns out the Ophidian Cane reward has been turned off already. Sadness :( It was unexpected, as it seems to fly in the face of how we were told this would work. I put in a GM ticket, but I don’t have terribly high hopes for it.

Ah well. I’ll make sure I don’t leave the next one quite so late.

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