EQ2: The Three MMOsketeers Emergency Podcast takes on the ProSiebenSat Deal.

I am going to make a much larger post about this later today, once I have been topped up with the elixir which permits my brain to operate at an acceptable level of functionality. Its depletion over the last month is partially responsible for the lack of posts. Going onto a 3-month, instead of monthly testosterone injection has created a rather extended and unpleasant trough. Today, that gets sorted, at least for a while. It should balance out somewhat, eventually.

I would suggest that in the future, SOE time their fresh outrages a little better, so as to not happen right before I get topped up. Because if I’m annoyed enough to write 3 hours before my injection, things may be getting pretty special later.

You’ll be aware by now, I’m sure, that SOE has signed a deal with ProSiebenSat.1 to run their European operations, making the European servers completely separate. I’m not best pleased, and to that end we called an emergency session of the Three MMOsketeers last night, for a breaking news podcast.

Thanks to the CSICON network for hosting the Three MMOsketeers!! I shall be back later, chances are, charged up and with enough functional brain cells to do some research.

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