The David Abrahams illegal donation scandal ( and I do not apologise for calling it that. Proxy donating IS illegal, as anyone but a small child or a Labour fundraiser would know.) seems to have quietened down a little for now, as various investigations begin into it. The Prime Minister’s own enquiry is likely to be a whitewash, but the Metropolitan Police enquiry is somewhat more hopeful.
Harriet Harman has managed, somehow, to keep her job. Hereafter known as the […]
Janet Dunn, who yesterday claimed to know nothing about having been used as an intermediary for one of David Abrahams’ Labour Party donations, has had a flash of insight, and now remembers the event. I suppose she doesn’t consider it “disgusting” any more, either.
I know I’m always forgetting about having £25,000 put into my bank account, and then passing it along. You can’t be expected to recall such minor financial details. Luckily, she kept records, and checked her bank […]
David Abrahams, alias David Martin was unknown to me at the beginning of this week, and yet it appears that he has been a busy little bee indeed. At least where deception is concerned. A bee of lies.
It turns out that when David Abrahams was trying to become Labour MP for Richmond in 1992, he made a point of introducing the selection committee to his wife and son.
A divorcee, Anthea Bailey, told a local newspaper she and her […]
Labour general secretary Peter Watt has resigned following the revelation that a property developer made donations to the party via two colleagues. David Abrahams, who gave more than £400,000 through associates, said Mr Watt’s resignation was “sad”.
Mr Watt told a meeting of officers of Labour’s National Executive Committee he had known about the arrangement.
Under the law, those making donations on behalf of others must give details of who is providing the money.
Mr Abrahams and […]