EQ2: From Norwich to Norrath, it’s a Brief Maltheas Update!

I’m not very good at staying mad at EQ2. I *am* still rather bothered about the ProSiebenSat business, particularly the complete radio silence we’ve had from SOE since their statement a month ago. Their reluctance to post has been only matched by my own, for which I beg your indulgence.

However, I have a rather Celtic temper, in spite of living here in the fine city of Norwich, and while I’m quite good at getting annoyed, I tend to cool down just as fast. Not to mention that I’ve had a rather beastly time in Wurm recently, as Stargrace has written about, and being angry at two completely different games at the same time is exhausting. I kind of needed a safe haven away from all that unpleasantness, where I could be sure my home would still be in the same state it was when I logged out.

So, aye, Maltheas has been out and about, doing what he does best!

Maltheas and Fippy enjoy a quick sparring session before tea and cheesecake.

The Chronoportals are back, and I managed to catch the end of the Brewday festival, snagging the content added for this year. I rather liked the new Brewday game where you ride arounds like a mad thing on a carpet, attempting to run over as many goblins as possible. Joyously chaotic.

The new EQ2players site does not allow questing leaderboards, and none of the 3rd party sites are doing a suitable one to work with yet either. I’ll do an Extreme Questing leaderboard update when the data becomes available to me, for I think Malth is doing quite well at the moment!

He’s in a bit of an odd patch at the moment. At level 48, with most of the level-equivalent stuff done, an awful lot of quests have level requirements that prevent an attempt, even though the little chap could probably handle them, or at least have a splendid time dying gloriously. I know minimum level requirements are there to protect players from biting off more than they can chew, but the only thing being protected right now is evil-doers, from a sound drubbing at the hands of Ratonga Justice.

At any rate, it means I have to grit my teeth and let him level to 50 pretty soon. That’ll open up the end game of the original content, and much else besides. I pottered through the only available quest-chain in Lesser Faydark this evening, and I guess the rest of them will open up at 50 too.

The most annoying time of the year, Bristlebane Day, approaches, and Maltheas must prepare for the indignities that that rascal of a god will heap upon adventurers of all stripes. Be sure to log in on the 1st of April, when particularly pesky things will be afoot. Maybe we’ll get to expand our polyhedral dice pet collections!!

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