Star Trek Online – My final thoughts.

Note: This is my opinion of Star Trek Online as it currently stands just before launch. Like any MMO, it is likely to change greatly over the months and years, and not everything I say here will necessarily hold true at the time of reading.

Like so many, I had high expectations for a game based on Star Trek. I don’t think those expectations were unrealistic. Indeed, most of what I expected had already been done in other games. I love Star Trek, and I wanted to love this game. I was, as any of you that have bravely read all thirteen parts of my liveblog may have guessed, pretty darn disappointed. If you have a spare half hour and like watching paint dry, you can find the start of that epic here. I found both good and bad on that adventure, and depending on what you’re looking for in STO, you may find it more encouraging. Myself, I was looking for an MMORPG.

I have a lot of issues with STO, but I’ve already written about a million words on it, so I’ll try to keep this short:

War is everywhere!

Combat was always going to be a big part of any Star Trek MMO. I can live with (and enjoy!) having more fights in an hour of gameplay than would normally happen in a season of TNG. I did expect to be able to limit casualties, through diplomacy, trickery, or disabling ships. On the ground I expected to be able to set phasers to stun, and be able to leave my enemies unconscious but alive, ready to be beamed to the brig. Instead, I leave corpses and burning hulks in my wake.

Some people, especially on the forums, say that it is WAR!!! That we can’t act like Federation officers in the TV shows because we’re at war and the rules all change:

Firstly, us being at war was brought in after the fact as an excuse for the game being all about killing.

Secondly, the rules don’t change in war. Not for the Federation. We’re still supposed to abhor violence except when strictly necessary, and supposed to try to limit casualties on BOTH sides. In STO you have a mission where your job is to kill the witnesses to deeds Starfleet don’t want reported. Picard would resign his commission if he was ordered to do something so obviously against everything the Federation stands for. “The first duty of every Starfleet Officer is to the truth.”.

The non-combat missions consist of you wandering around an empty planet, or bit of space finding glowy things (usually 5 of them) and pressing F. Sometimes they mix it up a bit and you have to fight enemies AND press F at glowy things. Sometimes those glowy things are people and don’t actually glow, but they work in much the same manner.

Combat in STO is fun, don’t get me wrong. If you want an online ship-combat game then you’ll probably really enjoy this. I also enjoy the ground combat, which is quite chaotic and surprisingly tactical.

The lack of choice.
All decisions are made for you. There is only one way through every mission. As mentioned, frequently that one way involves doing something you might utterly disagree with.

The problem-solving aspect of Star Trek has been completely neglected. Any interaction with a console or device is simply a case of it being one more glowy object you have to walk up to and press F at. If only they’d taken the time to have actual engineering/science skills, and minigames to use them in.

NPCs too are just objects you press F at to talk to. You might have a few different questions you can ask them, but in the end, you have to press the green line to carry on with the mission. They feel like mere automatons. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the “diplomatic” exploration missions, where they ask for a resource, you give it to them, and then thats the end of the mission. Mike Singleton’s games showed, two decades ago, how you could procedurally generate interestingish NPCs with their own likes, dislikes, goals, and desires. There was no need for STO’s NPCs to feel so static.

Pull Up! Pull Up!!!
We’re limited to 45% pitch against an arbitrary flat plane in STO, and we cannot roll. Post-hoc reasons why this is a great thing have been trotted out (often suggesting that we, the players, just can’t handle full 3D movement), but I suspect the real reason is that STO uses the same engine as Champions Online. As the bug which has you as a ship on a station, or a man in space shows, the space combat engine is simply giving our character a spaceship body. It drastically reduces your freedom to use interesting tactics, and further makes all space fights feel samey. The Jump to Lightspeed expansion for SWG, for all it’s faults, showed that full 3D movement was entirely possible, and fun, in an MMO.

The Klingon faction has almost no content outside of PvP. That is not an exaggeration. Apparently this is being fixed after release. Until then, Klingons are just there to provide Federation PvPers with someone to shoot.

There is none. Sure, there’s harvesting, in as much as you find anomalies in space and on the ground that you can get objects out of. But then you take those objects to an NPC on a starbase and swap them for equipment. That’s not crafting. That’s just buying stuff with yet another currency.

Where are our scientists and engineers, building clever contraptions, and jury-rigging ship improvements? Researching cures for mysterious plagues, or inventing a weapon that can harm an otherwise invulnerable space-worm?

To End

Star Trek Online is in many ways like Pirates of the Burning Sea, but without the in-depth economy, and the meaningful RvR. Even with those positive differences, I still tired of PotBS (though I pop back from time to time) as one ship combat feels very much like another. Unlike on the land, there is far less variety of location and enemy to make you feel you’re doing something different. STO has exactly this same problem.

I pre-ordered from Direct2Drive. They have a no return policy on MMOs, even if you change your mind before launch. If it were not for that, I would have cancelled my pre-order. As it is, I will play out my included month, and I suppose I’ll see what sort of state the game is at that point. Maybe magical things will happen between now and then, but we need more features, not just more of the same sort of content we already have. I’ve been at this too long to trust developer promises terribly much though.

Final advice for any MMO developer that happens to swing by:

1. Stop designing MMO to be released on both PCs and consoles. You end up removing half the depth, the game fails, and then it never ends up coming out on a console in the end anyway. See: Champions Online, Age of Conan.

2. You need to try to appeal to multiple playstyles. The successful MMOs knew this. STO, I fear, will only appeal to people who really really like the limited space combat it offers. Perhaps also the subset of Star Trek fans who find the bits outside of the fight scenes boring.

3. Don’t make all the best stuff pre-order bonuses. I know that the idea of someone buying multiple copies of the game in order to get all the gear is the sort of thing that makes accountants weep tears of joy. Personally I find it rather exploitative. STO made the uniforms from the television shows all different pre-order bonuses, leaving us with unfamiliar, and not terribly nice uniforms. Being like Picard or Sisco is why so many people are buying the game. It boggles my mind that something so iconic, and able to bring joy, is considered an extra. That greed will cost in the long run.

Some folks will enjoy Star Trek Online for what it is. You might be one of them, and even if you only get a month or so of enjoyment out of it, you might consider that a good deal. Maybe I had unreasonable expectations. I hope, one day, someone makes the Star Trek MMO I dreamed of.

Star Trek Online End of Beta Bonanza

Continuing on from Star Trek Online Open Beta LiveBlog Bonanza Part 12.

Or you could return to the beginning of our STO Open Beta coverage with Part 1.

7:59 pm GMT, Day, er, lets call it Day 15

It is the last day of the Open Beta! In three days time, on Friday, the doors will open for Headstart.

There have been a couple of smallish patches since last I wrote, but no patch notes. Might have just been hard to describe stability improvements, but I am somebody who likes to rummage through patch notes, so the lack makes me a little sad.

We’ve been promised some surprises before this parallel universe folds in on itself, probably starting in a couple of hours. I’ll be sure to keep you informed as to what the festivities entail!

8:42 GMT, Day 15

The events aren’t supposed to be starting until about 10 pm GMT, so I’m killing time pootling about in the Briar Patch, the area of space made famous by Star Trek: Insurrection. Lieutenant T’Rix takes an instant dislike to the area, possibly because it is also home to the largest honey-nut Cheerio in the universe.

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Born and bred in a Briar Patch.

10:13 pm GMT, Day 15

And so it begins. The Klingons are attacking Sol. Unfortunately they have the same spawn point as the Federation. Coupled with their low numbers, this is not looking like a fun time to be a Klingon.

Star Trek Online End Of Beta Event Sol Klingon Attack 300x177

Another glorious Federation Victory!!!

Klingons are lasting seconds. Poor fellows. I do hope this isn’t the whole of the End of Beta event, because all it’s doing at the moment is demonstrating how ill-thought out PvP is in Star Trek Online. The zone-in point is, of course, filled to the brim with Federation mines. They have no chance whatsoever of getting a foothold.

I’m in Sol instance 77, btw, if you want to say hello! If you’re a Klingon, I suggest pooling your resources in one instance. Maybe things are going better for the Klingons elsewhere.

As I lack the necessary killer instinct to engage in mass-spawn killing, I have retreated a little distance away. Hoping that the tide will turn against us. Perhaps they’ll get some NPC assistance. Certainly can’t rely on a Dev turning up with as many instances of Sol as we have.

10:38 PM GMT, Day 15

I’m receiving reports that some Klingons have managed to get onto the station. It is only about 10 seconds at full speed from where you zone in to where you get asked to beam aboard, so this seems possible, especially as they might be getting onboard from a space instance less packed with Feds. Going to dock and take a look.

The station instance I arrive at has one Klingon spawning over and over again. Kind of like in space, but you can see the face of your victim. Going to head back outside.

Hmm, reports are that the Klingons are not surviving long enough to get the option to be able to leave the zone, so they’re stuck there. Tempers are fraying over there.

10:51 GMT, Day 15


Request for assistance *hisss* All Federation Vessels.

Can anyone hear me? It’s the Borg!!!!

Star Trek Online Borg 300x177

Argh! It's like Wolf 359 all over again!!!

11:10 pm GMT, Day 15

Borg are appearing on our Space Stations, and in Sirius Sector space. What do they want? Why now? Nobody knows, but it probably has something to do with assimilation.

11:59 pm GMT, Day 15

Not what you want to see at your spawn point! Now we’re the ones being camped!

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The arrival of the Borg Cubes

I’m not entirely sure what we’re supposed to be doing. These are instanced battles you get to from Sector Space, much like the regular ones you’d find elsewhere. The normal ones have goals, but these just seem to be us vs Borg.

00:35 am GMT, Day 15

Things aren’t going much better back on the Station! Endless waves of Borg are drubbing us soundly. Endless. Waves. Mindyou, we endlessly respawn too, so it is only fair. Beginning to get a little bor(g)ing, truth be told, as we don’t seem to have any goal, as such. It’s also a bit of a struggle fighting all these level 50 enemies in space and on the ground for little old me. Doesn’t seem to be a level-up NPC about like there as for the Champions Online End of Beta event.

Star Trek Online End Of Beta Borg Station Assault 300x177

If you're looking for Sulu, he's right through that door.

Champions Online also had achievements you could unlock that would carry forward to the live game. I’ve not seen anything like that here. I hope I’m not missing one!

2:00 am GMT, Day 15

The Star Trek Online Open Beta is officially over, and thus so is my Open Beta liveblog. I hope it was vaguely useful to someone somewhere! What did you think of the Beta, if you were in it?

Update: I’ve posted my final thought on the current state of Star Trek Online here.

Oh Dear, Star Trek Online. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

Would somebody please buy the Cryptic team a Next Generation boxset. Ideally force the marketing team to watch it too. I’m all for trying to attract non-trekkers, but there are actually quite a lot of Star Trek fans. I think we’d be a big enough demographic for them to do quite well, if they’d stop trampling on our childhoods Abrams-style.

Star Trek Online Pwn Advert

That sound you can hear is Gene Roddenberry spinning in his grave.

I’ll be writing my final Star Trek Online conclusions some time between the end of Open Beta (to give them a chance, however slim, for a wonderpatch), and the beginning of headstart.

In the meantime, that advert pretty much tells you what you need to know about STO as it currently stands.

Star Trek Online Open Beta 20100123a.1 Patch Notes, January 23rd

Another substantial patch came in overnight. Mostly minor bugfixes this time, but in high quantity.

Oh, just noticed the tribble change. They can no longer be used in combat. A lot of people had been using them to make themselves almost indestructible in ground combat (petting one raises your health), so that is certainly going to make a big difference. Horrid little things anyway!

Patch Notes

  • A cutscene now plays after creating a Federation Character
  • Updated contextual mouse cursor designs
  • Costume parts in the tailor remain valid options even after hitting random.
  • The character pictured at login now updates after deleting a character.
  • Bridge Officer candidates that have not yet joined your crew may be traded with other players.
  • Fixed the interact for the Ganalda ship vendor
  • Removed some unexplored systems that were causing players trouble.
  • Fixed mini map image for Risa ground, Andoria ground, Vulcan ground and Vulcan system
  • Removed animated loading screens. Replaced with beautiful screen shots and concept art.
  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to respawn in PvP maps
  • Fixed eject warp plasma clouds FX so they fade out properly.
  • Updated Emergency power to shields to use the new “liquid” shield FX.
  • Adjusted the coloring of Tykens rift FX to blend a little better.
  • Fixed issue with ship explosions dropping FX mid explosion.
  • Players can no longer depart system when on their bridge.
  • Updated many enemy spawn animations to user proper Beam In FX
  • Standardized the display names of anomalies nodes
  • Updated the KvK version of Borg Hunt so that it will scale with player ranks
  • Added missing merchant contacts to sector space cargo ships.
  • Added Klingon versions of ground weapon fire and batleth icons.
  • Fixed an animation issue where arms looked weird while holding rifles
  • Fixed a bug that allowed food and drink to be used in combat
  • Fixed a bug that allowed tribbles to be used in combat
  • Fixed several new gameserver crashes that players reported
  • Updated FX for several Klingon Kit powers
  • Added more faction icons to enemy target status windows
  • Added subsystem targetting to the Weapons tray, if those powers are available to the player
  • Fixed Subsystem targetting powers categories so they can appear correcty in the Science vessel special UI.
  • Removed the recipe search category from the Exchange
  • Fixed a bug that was spawning too many Borg cubes in iPVP
  • Added descriptions of how to acquire exploration badges to appropriate vendors.
  • Updated the visual appearance of contact windows for both Federation and Klingons.
  • Updated costume presets for some species
  • Added indication when your current power value exceeds your target (due to buffs, skills, etc.).
  • Added a message to the queue server that lets you know you were forced from the queue after it halted.
  • The crew of the Azura are no longer wearing Starfleet uniforms
  • Fixed warp cutscene playing from Sector space to System in Cardassian space.
  • Klingon and Romulan Patrol missions now point to proper locations
  • Added a fix to prevent the instance selection window from popping up briefly when transferring to another map
  • Removed checkbox from instance selection window that would set the “always select instance when switching maps” option
  • Fixed several commodity missions that were being greedy and taking all of a given commodity in your inventory, rather than the necessary amount. Fixes
  • Fixed a typo with the Klingon PvE exploration mission description
  • Fixed the door leaving the Qonos warriors hall so that player can’t get stuck inside
  • Updated the PvE repeatable Klingon missions to clarify that players must complete the PvE map 3 times to complete the mission
  • Fixed many unknown system ground missions that were put into an unwinnable state if the objectives were done out of order.
  • Adjusted kill counts for all PvP ground arenas
  • Clicking a power in the tray that is flagged for auto attack will now fire properly
  • Removed the assault column from assault PVP scoreboard
  • Added black backgrounds to the target window images so that ground headshots don’t float.
  • Also added art for the new device/kit backgrounds.
  • Add more translation text for non-english players. More to come.
  • Adjusted mission rewards at higher levels that were giving rewards too low compared to the mission. These should be much more in line now.
  • Bridge Officers can now use costume presets when customizing
  • Change Memory Alpha mission text to make it clear that E’genn is in the middle of Earth Spacedock
  • Starfleet was offering Klingon Empire bridge officers to Federation players instead of Klingon Starfleet bridge officers. Not anymore.
  • Fix some issues with assault and area control scoreboard information where teams weren’t showing up properly.
  • Bridge Officers no longer have a voice option. This will be re-added at a later date.

Known Issues

  • There is a bad bug with shuttles that are causing them to despawn properly and inflicting players with 10 minute cooldowns in combat. A fix is coming soon. For now exiting the map or dying will fix the cooldown issue.
  • If you end up with ground powers in your space tray, drag them off your space tray and hopefully they won’t come back
  • Bridge officer powers are not automatically assigned a keybind. Moving their power on your power tray should fix this
  • Some status FX will show as white squares on space targets

Star Trek Online Open Beta LiveBlog Bonanza Part 12

Continuing on from Star Trek Online Open Beta LiveBlog Bonanza Part 11 – Patch Edition.

Or you could return to the beginning of our STO Open Beta coverage with Part 1.

2:17 pm GMT, Day 12

I took the day off yesterday, dealing with Jack Steel related things, and Cryptic have been busy with the patches.

Update 20100119a.10

Update 20100119a.12

Most notably, the issues I had in the last episode with combat being too easy, and with exploration clusters not having enough anomalies, are supposed to have been rectified.

2:55 pm GMT, Day 12

With just three days until the end of Beta, I’m not going to go through individual missions in much detail unless they really stand out as something different to what I’ve already described. I want to make sure I get to Lieutenant Commander and can show what happens at that point.

I only need another 500 or so skill points to be promoted, and to that end I’m doing a few Exploration missions in the Arucanis Arm. Not having any problem finding anomalies reasonably quickly now.

Lieutenant Grall’s “Do three Explorations” missions are now granting Badges of Exploration, which is good news. I should pop back to Sol and see what 75 1st Order Badges of Exploration will get me.

Star Trek Online Tutorial 52 Badges Of Exploration

Badges of Exploration are finally discovered!

In the center area of Sol Spacedock there are NPCs you can buy goods off using your Badges of Exploration. It all seems ground-based equipment. Armour, weapons, and kits are all on offer. For the tier 1 items, they are all of common (white named) quality, except for the kits that are green. From tier 2 onwards the guns and armour are green, and the kits are blue, making it a lot more useful.

Speaking of item quality, we got some information on those green named Bridge Officers that turned up recently. Stormshade gave us some details.:

Here’s the deal with the “higher quality” Bridge Officers:

1) You guys haven’t seen all the Bridge Officer Skills in the game yet. These guys have a chance to grant you access to those uncommon, rare, and super rare skills. They also might have higher tiered skills in a lower level slot. The only skills available at the Bridge Officer Trainer are the common skills.

2) The traits these Bridge Officers have are superior to the traits a “white” Bridge Officer has.

At the moment the rarity of a Bridge Officer skill is not marked. I have no doubt that someone (maybe even me) will sort out a list of the rarities before long, but it would be helpful if we could tell just by looking at them.

4:48 pm GMT, Day 12

When you spend enough skill points to reach level 11, Admiral Quinn contacts you and asks you to come to see him at Sol Spacedock.

On speaking to him you gain 6 more inventory slots, 12 more bank slots, a free costume change, and a plaque which will get your your first real ship! Your maximum number of Bridge officers increases to 6 from 4.

5:02 pm GMT, Day 12

Taking that plaque to the shipyard, via the turbolifts, gives you a choice of free ship you can receive. Either a cruiser, escort, or science ship. In spite of being an engineer I went for a science ship, as I suspect the low manoeuvrability of the cruiser would not agree with my flying style.

The Shipyard also has consoles, ship weapons, and other goods available for Badges of Exploration. I pick up a nice new phaser turret.

And here is my new vessel. The USS Opera is a Nova class science vessel. For any given tier and category there are up to three ships. They have identical stats and you can mix and match the parts between them. This one is pure Nova, simply because I think it looks nicest that way.

Star Trek Online Nova Class Science Ship 300x177

The Nova Class Science Ship

To get a good idea of what ships have which capabilities, I recommend Suricata’s most excellent ship chart. It shows not only what the ships look like, but also gives you details of weapon hard-points, manoeuvrability ratings, and much more.

10:04 am GMT. Day 13

Another patch came in overnight, bringing us up to version20100123a.1. Patchnotes are here.

Muck Later

After a little rest, we finish up with the End of Beta Bonanza!

Star Trek Online Open Beta 20100119a.12 Patch Notes, January 22nd

It looks like there were two patches last night. The larger of the two addresses player concerns (which I share) that the game has become too easy since the giant patch of the 20th of January. Though if it has left the tier 1 combat as easy as it was, it is going to be a bit of a shock for players when they hit tier 2.

Recent changes added when we unlocked the level cap introduced imbalance to combat at mid to high levels. Closed beta players will be quick to point out that things are much easier than what they remember. To address this we have tracked down the issues and reverted combat back to the intended difficulties. We hope that you will find space combat to be more challenging now, especially starting in Tier 2.

Improved gameplay balance in space

  • No direct change in Tier 1 combat
  • Increased damage of space enemies above level 11 (Tier 2).
  • Reduced science vessel shields and hull by about 10%
  • Added more interesting weapons Bridge Officer abilities to enemy ships
    • All Romulan/Reman ships now use mostly plasma torpedoes instead of Photons. So their High Yields will be Heavy Plasma Torpedoes instead of Salvos (including their Bird of Prey Frigates).
    • Improved Romulan/Reman Mogai – Added Plasma Turret, Dual Beams, Rapid Fire, Attack Pattern Alpha and Evasive Maneuvers.
    • Improved Romulan/Reman D’deridex – Added additional Aft Plasma Array, Viral Matrix, Photonic Shockwave, and increased its used of Heavy Plasma Torpedoes.
    • Improved all Hirogens ships– Added Transphasic Torpedoes
    • Improved Klingon Negh’Var – Added Boarding Party at higher levels
    • Improved Cardassian Galor – Added Evasive Maneuvers, and Feedback Pulse
    • Fixed Borg shipWeapons (It’s tractor Beam and Cutting beam were note working)
  • Fixed Torpedo and Mine powers that were unintentionally harming your own crew.
  • Fixed Rapid Fire to work properly.
  • Made a tuning pass on Chroniton projectiles
  • Tricobalt weapons now have a 30 second shared cooldown.
  • Updated the plasma ball to have slightly more direct damage and slightly less DoT damage
  • Removed some Federation spawns in Klingon PVE missions that were not granting XP properly
  • Added some missing end tier ships to the stores
  • Removed a bad Shield HP console that was not working properly
  • Reduced the damage from the Metreon Gas in the Briar Patch that was smoking everyone. Sorry Riker, we had to do it.

There as also an earlier one intended to enhance stability.:

  • Some players were unable to interact with objects on public maps (such as the ground portions of the Tutorial). These now work more reliably.
  • Fixed a crash when inspecting and looking up item information.
  • Fixed a crash when using the Tailor
  • Additional server performance updates

Star Trek Online Open Beta 20100119a.10 Patch Notes, January 21st

Another night, another patch! Most importantly, it sounds like the lack of exploration anomalies that was making the clusters so tedious has been dealt with. Also, I’m not certain, but perhaps those “exploration rewards” mentioned below are the long missing Badges of Exploration. I’ll check that out tomorrow!

Star Trek Online Open Beta 20100119a.10 Patch Notes

* We’ve removed the code that unequips items when you drag a power off of your power bar. Note that the only way to return these powers to your power bar is to have the item equipped, then open your power list (the datapad icon on your power tray) and drag the power icon back to where you want it.

* We’ve added a fix to address transactions that were taking longer than expected on the latest release. This should improve issues where players reported their weapons getting swapped constantly.

* Video setting defaults were being miscalculated improperly for some cards. We’ve made an update to address this. If you log in and your video settings are not as you expected, Go into the Options – Video menu and select Restore Defaults. If it is still not to your liking, you can use the basic and advanced settings to adjust your video resolution and display features.

* PVP Queuing systems have been updated so that they will refresh more reliably.

* Addressed reported issues of zone chat and custom chat channels not working properly or being disallowed due to zone name length.

* We’ve fixed several bugs that are responsible for the majority of the gameserver crashes on this new release. Instances should play more reliably now.

* Added mail locations to QoNos so that Klingon players can send and receive mail with attached items

* Repeatable Star Cluster missions now grant exploration rewards.

* Addressed an issue where Star Cluster anomalies were too scarce or not respawning fast enough as well as lowered the maximum number of ships per Star Cluster Instance. Exploration should now uncover more unknown systems!

* Space Weapons Cannons: Removed the limitation that prevented you from firing two cannons simultaneously. They still have a 1 second shared cooldown, which has a very similar impact. Fixed a subset of cannons that were not following this behavior.

* BOff Abilities: Cannon Rapid Fire: This ability was cancelling itself after one shot, like other attack upgrade abilities. However, this is supposed to last for a duration and improve all cannon attacks for that period. Fixed so that it no longer cancels itself.

* Addressed the issue in the Korvat system where if the user cancelled the mission dialog, you could not progress the mission. Note that there may be additional similar issues in other systems. If you find one of these, please bug it. To fix, you may need to use the “Depart System” button on your MiniMap, and then continue the mission again. If that fail, drop and retake the mission.

* Added mission text explaining changes to Klingon PVE objectives.

* Addressed an FX issue on the Ghost Ship that made the map unplayable once the player initiated the dimension shift.