Age of Conan Day 5, and Patch Notes

Since last I spoke to you, I finished up all outstanding business in Tortage and headed out for the mainland. The first thing you notice is that the quests no longer have voice-overs, but they are still abundant and interesting.

Level 20 meant I could start resource gathering (although you cannot begin to learn crafting until level 40!). It is a fairly standard resource node system, though the nodes are static, and slowly refill. To liven things up a bit, […]

Age of Conan, Day 2

OK, this is really day 3, but I’m trying to look like I didn’t leave you all alone for two days.

I have just hit level 20 with my Priest of Mitra, Alfric, and it has so far been a great deal of fun. The quests have been well written, and enjoyable to pursue, with the exception of a couple of “kill 40 crocodile” type ones, which seemed to want an altogether unreasonable number of kills. That is only two […]