Minecraft Halloween Special – Mr Oakshadow goes to Hell.

The Minecraft Halloween update was patched in a few hours ago, and I spend this episode exploring the new Nether dimension, AKA the dimension formerly know as Hell. It’s quite grim in the Nether, as you’ll see! The sound effects there got a bit much after a while though, and I fear they drown me out a bit at times during the recording. I engage in heroic battle with a wraith, and end up wishing I’d been playing in 3D so I could have perceived how enormous and far away it was! (That is indeed an option with Minecraft, but I don’t have any red/blue 3D glasses!).

I don’t know whether it was just odd luck, but there seems to be rather more beasties about, even in the normal Minecraft dimension. I was lucky to make it to the Nether, let alone back again!

Just as I was about to start recording, Notch tweeted: The inventory loss on death is a bug! But let’s just pretend it’s extra difficulty for halloween!. This made me even more nervous than I usually am!

I didn’t get around to exploring all the new features in the patch. It’s amazing how quickly 15 minutes goes when you don’t want it to, but I’ll look at biomes and watches and what have you in the next episode.

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